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Nearly every modern smart phone, digital camera, even desktop PCs come with cameras built into them nowadays. Most shoot high definition video as well, making it easy to produce engaging, high-quality video you can use to promote your business.
The Astonishing Power of Video
There are a number of different kinds of videos. Research videos created by your competitors so that you can create something unique and also learn from their mistakes.
The most common type of video is to record you or someone else talking about your business. Keep the video short, less than 10 minutes certainly, better yet less than 2 or 3. Keep your video lively and entertaining, and always promise to reveal more and more information as you go on so your viewers will keep watching all the way through.
The second kind of video is a series of static screen shots, such as a PowerPoint presentation. They can actually be created with PowerPoint, if you already have the program, or you can download a program that will allow you to build one. These kinds of videos are going to be more like commercials than testimonials or sales pitches.
Use a script. The script should be set up so that there is one line for each slide. The lines should be very short, usually not more than ten words, which means you will have to be very economical with your writing. And obviously, the line should be relevant to what is displayed on the screen.
Each slide will be on the screen only for about 3 seconds, no more than 5, except for the last slide which will stay onscreen until it fades out. That means for a 2 minute video, you are going to need about 25 to 35 lines of text.
Once you have created a video using one of these techniques, try creating a second and third using the other two techniques. This will triple your exposure and give you experience with different types of video production. With internet marketing relying more heavily on videos, this experience is going to be key to going viral.