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What is Viral Marketing?
Viral marketing is like a sneezing into a crowded room without covering your mouth.
The idea is to get people to pass it on. Viral marketing can be done in many ways…..email was the first way that viral marketing was used but since the beginning other ways have developed that encourage people to pass along to their friends and relatives information about products, services and internet sites… even jokes and video clips.
Viral marketing can be a very good thing for internet businesses, especially small ones that are just starting up. It can, also, sound the death knoll for those same businesses.
You cannot force a product to “go viral”. If it is good enough…or bad enough, that just happens.
You can, of course, use viral marketing but you can’t force the viral thing to happen.
People love to share good things with their friends and families…but they will be just as quick to share an unpleasant experience or the name of the company they think ripped them off…..maybe even quicker.
Should you try to capitalize on viral marketing? You certainly should! You would be the worst kind of fool not to use everything at hand to market your product or idea.
Without one doubt, you should reap the benefits of reaching more than just your target audience and stretching those advertising dollars as far as they will go. It is important, though, for you to realize that viral marketing is a strategy….just one tactic.
One, however, that does work toward achieving your campaign objectives. Oh….and just one more word of caution. You can craft a brilliant offer and a great message, and follow all the rules of Viral Marketing 101, but if a consumer visits your site and has a bad experience or even a not-as-good experience as expected, you will defiantly achieve viral marketing….the kind you don’t want.
Defining Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is unique and quite extraordinary. We share with friends and family the bargains or freebies we were able to get. If we can copy the freebie we will do it and give it to people that we know.
Everybody knows somebody and just like rumors, these freebies can spread fast. You can advertise your newsletter, your web site, products you’re selling, anything and you will make a profit if somebody clicks through the advertising on the freebie.
I will spare you the details of why the same ad advertised through viral marketing is so much more effective than regular advertising.
It is a great feeling when you receive something for free.
As you can see, viral marketing is giving out free stuff and in turn, this free stuff will be passed around to other people.
What better advertising could be accomplished in such a simple manner? The process is actually very simple. All you have to do is find resources where you can download free stuff, then turn around and give it away to your visitors. There are numerous resources where you can download the freebies. For example, you may get started off by offering your visitors free e-books and free software.
The software might cost a substantial amount of money to develop, but in the long run it’s a one time fee for a decent stream of visitors. This is only one idea of many.
You will find that the options are endless. Find something your visitors want and watch them roll on in!
Free web hosting is another form of viral marketing. You can provide this for free on your server to small businesses or beginning internet marketers.
In return, you place a banner ad at the top of each site advertising your products and web site.
This will increase the number of visitors to your web-site and is an effective means of advertising with little expense.
In summary, Viral Marketing by definition is any form of advertising and/or marketing techniques that "spread" like a virus without you having to do anything.
The Concept of Buzz
Everybody knows certain urban legends. They have never been marketed…. nobody ever spent the first dime to let the world know that there are alligators living in the New York City sewer system….big ones….albino ones.
So how is it that we all know stories like that? Better question….what if it were my product or service that enjoyed such common knowledge?
The grapevine, rumors, the whispers in your ear are what buzz is all about. Those little bits of information that people share over a cup of coffee….the outrageous occurrence that someone just saw and can’t wait to describe or the incredibly cool product that a friend of a friend just bought are the heart and soul of buzz…and buzz marketing or viral marketing, depending on what you want to call it.
Gigantic billboards rate barely a glance but we all still read the scribbling on a bathroom wall…ah ha! Buzz!
In today’s cyber –joined reality, every “have you heard” can get clicked on a zillion times by others faster than you can download the latest compromising picture of Madonna.
We all know what a computer virus is. It spreads from one computer to another in the blink of an eye.
The next thing you know it is everywhere. Now “Buzz” is the virus of marketing… it spreads to other customers and causes an epidemic of sales of your product or service.
It could be that “e-mail this to a friend” button that is just calling to you to click it, or a pair of real (and very satisfied) lips whispering persuasive endorsements into receptive ears, buzz marketing can transmit your business message at warp speed and do it at no cost to you.
How cool is that?
By starting a buzz you can turn your new business into the next urban legend…. that latest piece of juicy gossip that people can’t live without.
Message boards, blogs, email listservs and product review sites are the conversations that consumers have with one another and represent the largest collection of word-or-mouth or buzz advertising that has ever existed.
It is the old party line phone system taken to the umpteenth power. People talk to each other.
They willingly share their opinions on most any subject you can name but especially about products and services that they avail themselves of on the internet and in their brick and mortar worlds.
Consumers listen carefully to what others say about a product they are researching and intend to actually purchase.
Users read the recommendations that other users post.