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If you’ve hung out on video sharing sites like YouTube, you’ve probably seen people comment on videos about their own channels.
For example, they will comment on someone else’s video and say “This is great! I actually just posted a very similar video on my channel- go check it out.”
Even though this seems silly, IT WORKS.
Because you are participating in a discussion with people already watching that kind of video, you can get a TON of traffic to your channel this way.
And since you have a channel (and not sure a bunch of unrelated videos unattached to each other), they may end up watching all of your videos in a very short period of time.
The more videos you have, the longer you’ll keep people on your channel. The longer they stay, the more they’ll like and trust you. The more they like and trust you, the greater the chances that they’ll come to your website!
Just like email marketing, the key to video marketing is to build relationships. Having a quality channel with quality videos is the best way to do that.
Also, make sure that you interact with your visitors. When they leave comments, reply to them! You don’t have to reply to every single one, but be a part of the discussion.
Remember there that you’re trying to build a brand. Don’t just put together a few low quality videos. Instead, put together good, helpful stuff and really try to help the people in your niche. Only then will you start to see the money flow into your bank account like clockwork.