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There are literally hundreds of sites on the net already where videos can be posted, and no doubt the number will increase considerably over the next few years.
A lot of these are video upload sites not dissimilar to YouTube.
And, whilst none are anything like as popular as YouTube, those that I have included in the following list are the Top20 next best sites in popularity terms, according to Alexa.
Remember that whilst these sites may not enjoy as much traffic as YouTube, nor do they carry so much competition either, so the chances are still pretty good that you might be able to generate some fairly decent traffic from them.
Now, bear in mind that I do not know you or what your business is. I don’t know where you are located, what the product or service is that you are bringing to the market, or how much money you charge for it.
Thus, what works brilliantly for me and my business might not work for you at all. The video sites that I find effective may not be the same ones that generate business for you.
So, my advice is to try as many of the sites from the following list as you can find time for, and see what happens.
Try each one out for a certain period of time by posting a few different videos. Try every site with one video that you know from past (YouTube) experience is a winner, and one that did poorly as well.
Use these as your controls.
Submit then to a few of the sites in this list at a time, and track the results that you are getting (using Google Analytics) so that you can begin to build a picture of the sites where your style of video, or your products, are most popular.
Then, focus on those sites and drop the one that are not doing anything for you.
Gradually, this will allow you to build up a portfolio of sites where your videos are most effective. You will then be able to maximize the returns that you can generate from each and every video that you make.