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A picture may be worth a thousand words, but a picture or a diagram has nothing on a video. Seriously. If a picture can pack so much communication value, you can't even imagine what a video can deliver.
Indeed, videos are worth thousands of pictures because they convey emotional connection. They communicate a sense of urgency. They efficiently explain concepts, and they reduce what could be confusing ideas into symbols or sequences most people can understand.
Videos are so powerful that more and more people are searching for them on the internet instead of text. Let's face it, most people are in a hurry. They don't have time to read through an article and piece everything together. This is especially true for articles that have absolutely no graphics. For too many people, text is simply too flat.
With video, you feel like you are dealing with a real person giving you information. It's easier to get into the video emotionally. It's easier to get engaged. In fact, if you think you missed something or if a concept kind of flew over your head, you can easily backtrack on a video and review that portion.
It is no surprise that more and more marketers are making a lot of money using videos. They use different types. Video Marketing Profit Kit Some use explainer videos to describe the ins and outs of a product or a concept. A lot of other marketers use whiteboard videos that have a voice over. These videos show a hand drawing different pictures while the voice-over explains key concepts.
Others prefer spokesperson videos. These are videos where there is an actual person talking straight to the viewer explaining certain points. All of these leverage the power of video because you get a sense of immediacy.
When you're reading, there might be a thousand things going through your mind. You may be understanding bits and pieces of the words in front of you, but at the end of the day, a lot of that falls between the cracks. It's like mental noise.
With video, it's so much easier to engage the viewer because you're right there in front of them. If you know how to grab their attention, you can communicate whatever it is you want to get across quickly, efficiently and effectively.
Used properly, videos give life to marketing materials. How many times have you published sales pages? In fact, I would bet that a lot of them fell flat. You have less chance of experiencing this with video.
Video brings personality to your text. It also brings depth to whatever infographics you use to market the product or service you are promoting. Finally, video enables marketers to achieve a sense of connection between their sales page materials and their target audiences.
In this book, I'll teach you how to create great videos that connect with your audiences.
I will also instruct you on how to promote your videos so you can turbocharge their traffic generation and conversion power. That's right. I'm going to teach you how to turn an idea into a video, which can then turn into money. See you in Chapter 1. Video Marketing Profit Kit
Chapter 1 - How to Figure Out the Right Kind of Video to Make
Now that we have a clear idea of the tremendous persuasive power of video, the next step is to figure out the right kind of video to make.
You have to understand that just because you know that video works at some level or another, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have to instantly go out there and make some kind of random video. Last time I checked, taking wild shots in the dark is not exactly a winning strategy. You're not exactly going to hit a bulls-eye just because you took a random shot.
You have to be intentional regarding the videos you make. Otherwise, you're going to be spending a tremendous amount of time, effort and money only to end up with a whole lot of nothing. Let's get that out of the way. The key here is to have a niche target.
If you're trying to make money online in whatever form, you have to have a niche. It doesn't get any simpler than that. Otherwise, you are just simply wasting your time. Sooner or later, you're going to fail.
A lot of online entrepreneurs and online publishers who are clueless regarding the importance of niche eventually struggle. Whatever success they may have achieved is simply a product of dumb luck. Video Marketing Profit Kit Eventually, luck will run out. You know it, I know it, everybody knows it. This is why it's really important to be both systematic and methodical in how you make your money online.