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Chapter 5: 4 Ways To Use Videos In Your Online Business
Okay, we’ve talked about YouTube and how you can market your business online using it. Let’s look at some 5 other strategies for using videos to market your business.
1) Share video content on your blog
You can share video content of interest (doesn’t have to be done by you) on your blog which probably already has an existing fan base. Get your readers to comment on the video down at the blogs comment section or share it with others for some SEO magic ©
2) Sell them as a product
Video products usually convert better than e-books and can be sold at a higher price as a “premium” product because it costs more to create them.
3) Share them on Facebook
If you have a Facebook fan page, you can share good video content and get people to interact with your shared content whether in the form of comments, sharing or “liking” to create buzz in your Fan Page
4) Use them as a video course
You can bundle together videos and sell them as a video tutorial course to either get new leads or make big profits.
Chapter 6: How To Boost Profits Using Videos
Did you know that videos have the ability to double, even triple your usual profits when used correctly? Yep you heard me right.
You can do so by using them as a backend product. You see, after someone buys a product from you (an e-book for example), there is a high chance that they will buy something again if you position your products properly.
A video is the perfect product for an upsell, meaning that since you already sold them something, the video can be something related to your e-book but priced even higher but give double the value!
You have to make it such a way that it would be foolish to give up on such an opportunity. Your video product could be a video version of the e-book for a slightly higher price, or a massive video collection that complements the e-book priced higher than the e-book.
Or, you could also sell your video as a one time offer (OTO) and tell the customer that they will never have the chance to get this special offer again after they leave the site.
Millions are left on the table because marketers fail to tap into backends for extra sales. So start creating your backend products today using videos!
Chapter 7: Video Marketing Ninja Techniques
Here’s a cool ninja-trick to get your video SEO-ed and more easily found on the search engines.
It’s got to do with keyword research. First go to the Google Keyword Tool to research highly searched keywords or key phrases with little to no competition. Once you’ve identified a few keywords, using these keywords as the title of your videos (one keyword/phrase will do).
Next, in your video description, the first line should be the direct link to your website. This is so people are more likely to see your link when watching the video and this boosts clickthrough rates.
After a link, add a brief description in a paragraph form, with the first line of the paragraph containing your target keywords and perhaps sprinkle a few more throughout the body description.
End the description with a call to action and your link to your website once again.
This tested and proven technique has helped many marketers gets their videos to the top searches and the first page of Google so don’t hesitate in using it now!
Chapter 8: Video Marketing Mistakes To Avoid
Videos can be a great way to grow your business fast, when used correctly. But if you commit these common video pitfalls, your business stands more to lose than to gain so becareful. Check out these common mistakes now:
Not leveraging on communities. There are powerful communities on sites like YouTube that allow people to comment on videos, share and participate in conversation and subscribe to videos. You should take advantage of this community. You have to get involved in the community and show the other users that you care about them.
Not tapping into other video sharing communities. YouTube is the biggest, but there are other big video communities such as MetaCafe and Vimeo. If you fail to tap into these communities, you’ll be leaving lots of money on the table.
Not making your videos viral. Viral videos are quirky, interesting videos which make people want to share it with their friends because of it’s funny value.
Caring too much about views. Too often, businesses produce videos and hope to get 1 million views. On today’s social web, success isn’t always counted with stats or measured in view counts. What’s important is meaningful engagements instead.