Make Your Videos Look Awesome!
With This Brand New Set Of Premium Video Graphics...
Dear Friend,
If you do any sort of marketing online with videos, listen up! What I have for you on this page is a brand new set of graphics and templates that will help make your videos stand out and look awesome.
When it comes to video related graphics, there aren't really that many options out there for Internet Marketers. There are lots of graphics packs for webistes and sales pages out there, but VERY few graphics packs specifically for videos. But that's about to change :)
"Video Marketing Graphics Pack" is a collection of high quality templates and graphics elements specifically for making your videos look better and get noticed. You get graphics templates for both inside and outside of your videos. By "inside" I mean you get templates to create the actual sales video itself. And by "outside" I mean you get graphics and templates to add next to your videos on your sales pages, to make them stand out more.
Video Marketing Graphics Pack comes in 6 parts or "modules":
Module #1: Powerpoint Sales Video Templates
Module #2: Intro Logo Stings
Module #3: Powerpoint Backgrounds
Module #4: Video Player HTML Skins
Module #5: "Watch This Video" Signs
Module #6: Video Thumbnails
Module #1: Powerpoint Sales Video Templates
These templates allow you to create simple 1 - 2 minute sales videos. You get 5 formatted Powerpoint templates with 10 - 15 different slides each. Each slide comes with nicely formatted text for things like: your logo, headlines, sub-headlines, bullets, features, etc.. Plus each slide has a nice animation transition into the next. All you do is open the templates in Powerpoint, fill in your own text details, and boom you have a nice animated sales video in minutes!