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You’ve heard that a picture is worth a thousand words, but have you heard that a video is worth 1.8 million words? Dr. James McQuivey declared this in his study, How Video Will Take Over The World, where he goes through the math to prove this assumption. (https://www.forrester.com/report/How+Video+Will+Take+Over+The+World/-/E-RES44199?isTurnHighlighting=false&highlightTerm=1.8%2520million%2520words)
Not only that - people are visual in nature, so they tend to retain more information in image form. It’s clear that everywhere you look, online video is popular. You see it on every type of social media platform, including Facebook via Facebook Live and of course on YouTube.
But, what is a shy person supposed to do if they want to get involved with video marketing? No worries. Even though you’re shy you can make video marketing work for you. First, let’s talk about the importance and benefits of video marketing.
The Importance and Benefits of Video Marketing
There are numerous benefits of video marketing that make it super-important to get involved even if you’re shy. The benefits are so great that you don’t want to miss out on them. If you knew that just by adding video to your marketing strategy you could multiply your results, why wouldn’t you do it? Being shy shouldn’t prevent you from enjoying all these benefits.
Boosts Brand Awareness
It’s amazing, but you don’t even have to make especially long videos to benefit from better brand awareness. A 60-second explainer video can go a long way to helping people get to know you and realize what you can do for them. It’s important to be yourself, make videos with your audience in mind, and understand your brand identity as you go forward with making a video for marketing purposes.
Improved Online Presence
People love a good story and video is the perfect medium to use to tell stories. You can tell more complex stories and keep your viewers engaged longer too. Plus, your viewers are much more likely to share a video story than a written article - especially if you’ve taken the time to consider your audience and what they want to know.
People Feel As If They Know You
When you do a video and people see your face and hear your voice, they start to think they really know you. This builds that all-important "know, like, and trust" factor for your audience, so that they are not afraid to spend money with you and trust you to help them with the problem you purport to solve.
Enhances Social Media Engagement
Video is fast becoming the favorite method for audiences to get information. In fact, some studies suggest that 80% of internet traffic will come from video by 2020. Part of the reason is that people are more likely to share video, comment on video, and engage with you when you make videos.
Builds Trust with Viewers
When people can see you, they develop more trust for you. But don’t worry; you can make videos without being seen and only heard and still develop trust, if you just can’t for whatever reason make a video with your face in it. Podcasts also build trust, so combine a PowerPoint with your voice to create videos and you’ll be amazed at how much more trust you can develop with your audience. And more trust means a bigger return on investment.
Better SEO
Google Search is still the number one search engine and they rank video higher than text. Learn as much as you can about rich video snippets to enhance your SEO. A rich video snippet allows a Google search to display a video next to the search results that appear on Google.
With video, you also end up with more backlinks, fewer bounces, and higher click-through rates. Since they’re highly shareable, you improve your social signals exponentially. You can use a plugin for WordPress to help called All in One Schema Rich Snippets. (https://wordpress.org/plugins/all-in-one-schemaorg-rich-snippets/)
Improves Your Mobile Presence
Fifty percent of all mobile data happens to be attributed to video. Because of that fact alone, using video is going to make your brand more present online since more people use mobile today than even use personal computers. It’s harder to read text on a mobile device so it makes total sense that video gets more attention on mobile.
Spreads Difficult Information Faster
If you have a difficult concept to explain to your audience, using video is going to make it so much simpler. From showing someone how to cook, to how to use a physical product, to demonstrating an exercise video... video can do it all. You can also explain simple concepts, so video works no matter what type of information you want to impart to your audience.
High ROI
Due to everything you’ve read so far, your return on investment is going to explode when you start using video regularly. So many people are using mobile, and so many people need to get to know you first before taking your advice. Using video to accomplish that will make your audience feel a lot better about you and will, therefore, increase your ROI exponentially.
If you are a shy person, you may be feeling a little pressure at this point after reading all that information. But no worries - we’re going to talk more about what it means to be shy, how being shy feels, and how to deal with it when making videos.
What It Means to Be Shy
If you notice physical sensations in social situations such as sweating, blushing, or shaking, it’s likely you are a shy person. You’re just not at ease around people that you don’t know or in unfamiliar circumstances. But typically, once you get to know people you start to feel more comfortable. Unlike someone with a severe social anxiety disorder, you don’t feel shy or uncomfortable in your safe spaces with the people you know and love.
Uncomfortable with Strangers
Most shy people have the most trouble talking to strangers. And when you make videos that’s exactly what you’re going to be doing, which is probably why you’re so anxious about it. Depending on your level of shyness it may feel impossible today to talk to strangers, mostly because you don’t want them to see you shake, sweat, or blush.
The Quiet One
Often, people would say that you’re the quiet one (until you got to know them). When you were in school the teacher wished for 20 more of you but you were probably super-uncomfortable and awkward due to your shyness. Being quiet isn’t all bad, though. Because the truth is, people don’t listen enough, and being quiet gives the other people time to think and contribute. Due to this, remember that pauses are perfectly acceptable as you gather your thoughts during any video you make.
Nature versus Nurture
Shyness can be a genetic condition but is also influenced by life experiences. Just because your parents may be shy or even if you’re shy right now, it doesn’t mean you cannot work through the situation and become less affected when you put yourself into situations that evoke a shy response. The biggest thing is to simply be aware of the responses you’re having so that you can adjust as needed.
Getting Past Your Shyness
While it’s likely you’ll always be shy, there are ways to do things that you want to do anyway. The best way to accomplish this is to stop telling people you’re shy, set small goals for putting yourself out there in uncomfortable situations, and to know your strengths so that you can build your confidence level.