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To get started with video marketing you first need to locate a market niche that is hungry for visual information or entertainment. There are many, many niche markets to chose from, possibly thousands, but not all are suited for video marketing.
An ideal niche for video marketing is essentially any niche that conveys some kind of information. For example, videos of crashes, accidents, pranks, bloopers, kittens, puppies, and babies can be very entertaining but the videos do not contain any real information other than perhaps “be careful!”
While you absolutely can use entertainment videos as a means of generating traffic to your website and can even earn money if your site is running Adsense ads, entertainment videos are not nearly as profitable as information and problem solving videos.
The reason for this is very simple: people watching entertainment videos want to be entertained (big shock) and therefore do not want to join a mailing list or purchase a product.
On the other hand, individuals watching videos for the purposes of learning are much more inclined to join your mailing list or purchase a product because they have a need that you can possibly solve.
To find really great niches you will need to go to Youtube and do some research. I should point out that Youtube research is some of the most fund research I’ve ever done. You can easily spend hours on the site and not even realize it.
To research niches you can either browse random videos or you can type in the words ‘how to’ into the search bar. How to videos are usually information based and can give you some really great niche ideas. You should also look at random videos from time to time because you never know what you’ll find.