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Most ventures in life optimally arrive at profit somehow. There are, of course, the things that you do purely for pleasure, but in a perfect world everybody would be able to spend time doing things that they love and get paid for it. Unfortunately, it's not a perfect world and most of us have to keep our day jobs while we pursue our dreams.
However, if you are one of those individuals who really likes video blogging, there's always a chance for a little extra dough to be made in the corners. For those who are extremely dedicated and understand how the system works, it's entirely possible to make a living at video blogging, but you'll need to be one of the biggest names in the business to achieve that level of success.
But even if you're just starting out video blogging, working hard at creating useful, creative video content and attracting new visitors and subscribers, there's some extra cash to be had in the sidelines for those who seek it.
First, if you're really looking to make your video blog a profitable venture, you're going to have to spend some money to make money. While you can be successful using tools around your house and the microphone and webcam that came standard with your computer, it's going to be hard to make profit off of something that looks and feels extremely amateurish.
If you want to be paid like a professional, then you'll have to act like a professional. Now is the time to consider investing in high quality cameras and possibly microphones. If you?re looking to take the next step into professional video blogging, the camera and microphone are probably the two best things to invest in; later on you can consider buying better lighting sources and other such accoutrements.
Another important thing to keep in mind is that if you want your video blog to be profitable, you'll need to constantly be coming out with new material. A good standard to have is one video blog per week, but once you start getting viewers clambering for more, you'll likely up this to several videos a week.
All right. Now that you've started producing professional grade videos on a regular basis, here's the secret to making money: marketing. The surest way to start gaining revenue from your site is to open it up to advertisers. This may sound a little bit less than appealing, but the fact of the matter is that advertising can be extremely lucrative and not overbearing if done right.
One of the easiest ways for a beginner to get started making money with their video blog is Google Adsense. The great thing about Adsense is that their marketing methods aren't intrusive – your viewers won't be bombed with hundreds of pop up windows or animated advertisements that will take up half of the screen. The advertisements that Adsense puts out are contextual – meaning that they will have something to do with the subject covered in the video blog – and unobtrusive.