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Many guys stress out about shopping for a Valentine's Day gift for their girlfriends. They worry that the gift they give will be too romantic or not romantic enough for the stage of the relationship. If they have just started dating an expensive gift may be inappropriate but they do not want to give a gift which will leave the impression that they are not serious about the relationship. All of this self doubt can make buying the right gift a difficult task. Here are some tips if you are struggling to select a suitable gift for your girlfriend.
When trying to decide on a gift, first carefully consider where you are in the relationship. If you have been dating for awhile and are confident you are strongly committed to each other, consider more expensive and extravagant gifts. If you have only been dating for a short time and aren't sure where the relationship is going, stick with simpler gifts. While it is important to carefully evaluate your relationship, remember that you run the risk of interpreting it differently than she does. You may feel things are going well and the two of you are strongly committed but she may feel the relationship is too new to be thinking about the future or vice versa. This can create an awkward situation. Have a conversation with her about your status before shopping for Valentine's Day. This will help to assure you are on the same page. A super resource is 1000 Questions for Couples
Flowers are a safe bet. Flowers are so commonly associated with Valentine's Day that she is not likely to misinterpret your gift. A dozen red roses is a romantic gift but not one she is likely to read too much into. There are some mistakes a you can make when giving flowers on Valentine's Day. Your girlfriend may be hurt or disappointed by a gift of yellow roses because they symbolize friendship and not romantic love. She may feel as though you do not take the relationship seriously and don't think there is much of a romantic future for the two of you. The one exception to this is if she particularly likes yellow roses or prefers them over red ones.
Jewelry is appropriate as long as the cost and style of of the piece is commensurate with the stage of your relationship. An expensive diamond ring is not proper if you have only been dating for a short time. Even in a long term relationship, a diamond ring is a bad idea if she assumes the ring is an engagement ring and you meant something less. As a general rule when giving jewelry limit it to less expensive items in a new relationship. Save the more extravagant items for a strong relationship where you see a definite future.
An excellent option when choosing jewelry is to pick something exotic or from a different part of the world, such as lapis jewelry from Chile, or American Indian jewelry. This way you can give her a unique gift, but one that doesn't send the wrong message like a traditional piece can.