Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Businesses are recognizing the potential to help them achieve their marketing goals. In fact 62% of B2C companies and 41% of B2B companies use Facebook.
Create a Facebook Page, not a Facebook Profile - This is the first thing you need to do. To maximize your company potential create a page not a profile. It’s simple to set up your page. Just follow the step-by-step instructions.
Claim Your Page’s URL - Create your business page. Then to make it easier to find and more sharable you should create a recognizable URL. It will only take a minute.
Auto Publish Your Blog Content - You can start to populate your page wall with your blog content. If you have a business blog connect your blog so it auto posts the new blog content to your page. We should mention that auto posting is not required. It is just a tool that’s helpful for those that are far too busy. You should also make sure that it’s a real person that is engaging the fans.
Ensure Blog Post Meta Descriptions are Complete - If you’ve posted a link on Facebook you already know that it pulls in a short description with the photo. It pulls this description from the meta description on the page. Make sure the blog content you decide to publish on your page is complete and that it’s enticing.
Always Create a Custom Page Tab - One of the most recent changes to Facebook pages is that you can no create custom tabs, which is a great way to reduce the clutter on your page. Think of this as your landing page.
Create a Welcoming App - You can use a custom tab to create your welcome app. Use the page to welcome new visitors to the page, and then to encourage them to like the page.
Use Facebook Insights - If you are not familiar with Facebook Insights you should be. These are analytical tools that can provide you with useful information relating to your visitors and they can help you better understand your fans.
Be Sure to Tag Other Business Pages and Other Users - Prior you were able to only tag other users, but now you can actually tag other Pages, as well. First make sure you allow others to post content to your page. Then make sure it is interactive. This will ensure that when people post to your wall they will likely tag your page in the post.