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CHAPTER 4: As The Crow Flies
Have you ever heard the expression “as the crow flies”? If not, it means taking the most direct route between two points.
For instance, if you had to travel by car or by foot from one corner of a city to the other, you might have to drive straight, turn left, turn right, turn left... drive straight, wait at a red light, drive straight, and then take a left again before you reach your destination.
The route could be filled with obstacles. Since you're travelling on the ground level, you have to stay on the streets, drive around buildings (rather than straight through them!), and stop at lights. All of these things make the trip more complex and longer.
This is not so for a bird, or a crow, as the expression goes. The crow can simply fly from one end to the other—from point A to point B. There is no need to veer around buildings, to make turns, to watch out for pedestrians, to stop at red lights. The crow can take the simplest and shortest route from one end of the city to another.
So how does this relate to your business?
If you have the choice to go from point A to point B, then that’s what you should do. Don't complicate the process by stopping at point C and point D and point E.