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Chapter 5 Other Facebook Marketing Strategies
Given all of the information mentioned in the past sections, you may already be thinking that everything that can be said about Facebook marketing has already been said, but this is far from the truth, as there are other Facebook strategies that you can use to generate traffic and increase lead conversion. The important thing is for you to engage your community and encourage them to participate in any events and activities that you plan on hosting, even if these events are only online.
Create Facebook Groups
Facebook Groups is actually the predecessor of the Facebook Fan pages. While it’s true that Groups does not provide as much interactivity and flexibility compared to fan pages, these still have a certain appeal, especially if you’re interested in developing a community within Facebook.
Like fan pages, Facebook Groups allow the group members to interact with each other and discuss topics that they are interested in, share photos, videos, and links, and other such activities. Unlike fan pages that only allow the members themselves to become followers, Facebook Groups allow members to invite those in their network to join the group, thanks to Facebook Groups’ built-in “Invite” feature, and it even allows you to send messages directly into the inbox of the members of the group. Another perk offered by Facebook Groups is that the groups a person is a member of will appear on his or her profile page, providing an opportunity for more clicks, since other individuals can click on the group’s link on the profile page to see what the group is about.
The downside of FB Groups is that it limits the number of members who can be part of it. Currently, groups are allowed to have a maximum of 1,500 members. Should it surpass that number, Facebook will automatically remove the group owner’s ability to send messages to the group, practically rendering it unusable.