Ebook Sample Content Preview:
When you want to see how your campaign is doing with clicks, click the tab that says “Display Network”. That's what we will be tracking for these 1 cent clicks. When you click on the tab that says “Keywords” every keyword listed should have the words “Below first page bid" under status. This is normal and very ok. Your ads are to be shown on the display network. Below is a picture of what you might see under the Keywords tab...
Again, just ignore this as we are not trying to focus on paying $5 or more per click. What we are interested in is paying 1 cent per click. So if you click on the Display Network tab you will see something like this...
As you can see from the Red Arrow in the picture, you will not always get clicks on keywords. This is OK... That's why we picked over 60 keywords. The more keywords you pick, the more chances you have to get clicks. In the example campaign above, I picked about 64 keywords. This campaign gets on average 50 to 100 clicks per day.
Another way to increase your clicks is to change your bids for all keywords to 2 cents per click. I have done that in the past when my click rate was low. The reason this will increase it is because your ad will show more times. That's how Google works, the higher the bid the more times your ad is shown. So if you really wanted to dominate the Display Network with your keywords you could make it as high as 50 cents and you would probably be seen by hundreds of thousands of people per day raising your clicks into the thousands. But keep in mind, you will be paying 50 cents per click and our whole goal here was to pay only 1 cent per click.
You now have a completed 1 cent per click campaign. You can make as many campaigns as you like, and it is suggested that you also make 2 or 3 different text ads for this campaign as well. This will make Google rotate your ads.
There are other ways to get better targeting as well. Let's talk about that for a few minutes.