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The Hidden Growth: 1 ½ to 3 ½ months
The physical growth of your child is obvious as he/she gets stronger and heavier! What is not so obvious what is happening inside your child’s brain.
As you provide a sensory-rich environment through the experiences you offer your child the cells inside his/her brain continue to make connections forming learningpathways in the brain.
Robert Ornstein has estimated there are more possible connections in the brain than there are known atoms in the universe!
Sorry! You’ll have to ask him yourself how he worked that one out and I don’t have his e-mail address.
The first three years of a child’s life has been described as the time when the brain gets wired-up. Imagine what would happen in your home if the electrician didn’t finish wiring-up the house properly. Perhaps that’s why math in particular used to ‘leave me in the dark’ when I was in school.
Still, it provided me with the motivation to try and ensure not every child would have to endure the agonies I did during math lessons. It would have been no good Barbie sitting next to me in math class as I found math tough too!