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Modern day couples are opting for their weddings to be held in places other than the traditional church, synagogue or even city hall more and more frequently. These couples want the place that their wedding ceremony is performed, whether it is a very traditional ceremony or not, to be a place that is meaningful to them as a couple in some way.
Brides-to-be (and grooms as well) sometimes deliver a real shock to their family and friends when they announce that they are getting married. Not that the fact that they are getting married is such a shock but the fact that they are planning on doing the deed while they are riding a roller coaster in Las Vegas, sky diving in Nevada or scuba diving in Bermuda, holding the ceremony in a castle in Switzerland or on the 50 yard line of Mile-High Stadium might be a little shocking to say the least.
Many of those of an older generation think that weddings held in strange places are an affront to the seriousness of the sacrament of marriage and strongly object to the idea. Of course, it isn’t an affront at all but it takes some strong and convincing arguments to change the minds of those who believe it is. Sometimes they warm up to the idea given time, sometimes they don’t.
The truth is that the marriage that is being planned is about the two people who are joining their lives together and not about ‘what the neighbors will think’ or what others believe to be an appropriate venue.
Nobody asked for advice but here is some anyway. Do what you want to do. Make your wedding a memorable event that you will look back on in 50 years and be glad you did it your way. Get the pictures that will prove to your grandchildren that you were once wild and crazy kids that were madly in love and had a strong sense of adventure. Just take the vows seriously and mean them with all your heart no matter where the wedding ceremony is performed.