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Chapter 7 - Should you bring in a few friends or should it be between just the two of you?
Men and Women are always keyed in variedly. Both are always striving to know and understand one another, but not everyone really succeed. Love is one thing regarding which both men and women have the most disparate perceptions. Most women dream of their proposal day and that they have been fantasizing since they came to know what love really means. For all women, their proposal day is when the whole planet revolves around them and the love proposal should be phenomenal also. Some men forget that love proposal is as important to the women like the marriage itself. Call it simple fault of judgment or dearth of creativity, some boys just do not do this right.
It is a bad idea to bring your friends along to propose a girl. Even if she wishes to say yes, she will never. It should be a relishing romantic moment just between the ADAM (you) and the Eve (your girl). Bringing your friends along with might make her feel nervous and shy.
Instead of getting romantic she would really get furiated on you. She would feel as if you want to boast in front of your friend group that you are Mr. Popular and every girl wants to be with you which will in turn put a really bad impression of you in her mind and she might say BIG NO.
She might even think the other way that you don't have the balls to propose her on your own and even for this very purpose he requires the help of his friends. This will again stamp a bad impression of yours on her heart that you do not have the capability to do anything in your life on your own if you cannot even propose girl by yourself and need your friends help. This is because all the EVES want a guy who is strong, confident and manly enough to take care of their beloved from this strange and harmful world. Moreover, it usually happens that when a guy takes his friends along with him he himself starts shaking, forgets to speak and do many things that he has decided to do to make the proposal memorable one. So if you won't be able to speak about your love, emotions and vibes completely to her how would she realize the depth of your love and her worth in your life?
Therefore, when you are planning to propose your girl do it by yourself and that moment must witness just two of you. However, you can always take help of your friends in exploring her likes and dislikes and to make arrangements to make the proposal special. What are friends for? But when she arrives or you go to her to propose her it must be just between both of you.