Who else wants to turn their Prime Web Site Real Estate Into A Never Ending and Constant Source Of Cash?
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"Are YOU Growing Weeds on your Prime Web Site Real Estate or
Sowing Seeds Of
Instant Money Tree's?"
The very first thing I want you to do is STOP reading this web page and really think hard about...
What is and Where is Your Prime Web Site Real Estate?
If you answered your Sales Page [a.k.a. index page]...
Then you could be leaving anything up to an astounding 94.2% of your potential income on the table.
No, that's not hype or B.S. but proven statistics that can be worked out by anyone with a calculator.
Let me give you just one simple example that will send shock waves down your spine.
You have done a fantastic job on creating a killer Sales Page and it converts at say 5.8%. In laymen terms, that means you are generating almost 6 sales for every 100 visitors to your web site.
To most Internet Marketers they would give their eye tooth for stats like that, but more to the point...
What are you doing to convert the other 94.2% of visitors that didn't purchase?
And here is another crunch question for you to mull over...