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Social media has become every business's dream marketing tool and there are more and more viral marketing videos coming up every day because of the proven effect that viral marketing, and videos in particular, has had on consumers over the past five years.
People use the internet for almost anything they need, a condition which most of us did not think possible ten or even 15 years ago. Today, we go online to pay our bills, buy merchandise, connect with long lost schoolmates, meet new friends, participate in conferences, watch films, listen to music and transact business.
YouTube, for instance, has revolutionized the way of discovering new talents (think Charice or Gangnam style dancing), espousing causes (think PETA's anti-fur campaigns showing how animals are methodically slaughtered, without anesthesia, for their skins) and providing blow-by-blow coverage of news (think hostage situations, natural disasters like Katrina, fires and sniper battles).
More than Text Messaging
Video watchers fall under the 17 to 58 age range with an even distribution of both genders and geography. In some places in the world where access to the internet is minimal, people still find a way to view the news, chat with friends, email relatives, purchase new clothes and write down a recipe by watching videos online in internet cafes or on their mobile phones. Viral marketing using video has, in fact, gained more ground than any other form of marketing, including text messaging.
Attention is what a business needs and there is no better way to capture it than a video uploaded and viewed by the more than ten million people who go online everyday looking for something new to watch. It has to be admitted, even by traditionalists of advertising, that video commercials are more effective than print ads, or even televised ads.
There are certainly more interesting to watch online than television can ever produce, and because what television airs can almost always be aired online as a video as well, watching television has even become a so-so activity in the past couple of years.
Being Unconventional
Video marketing is definitely "it." Videos have this uncanny way of drawing attention to themselves merely by being "unconventional" and that word can have different meanings to different people. While the written word of print ads and texting stimulate the visual senses, videos cover both the visual and the auditory areas and provoke the mind even more.
When watching some of the viral marketing videos the viewer participates in the creation of images that engages the mind to think beyond what is seen. For instance, a video marketing nail art that is done with good lighting, convincing textual content, the latest music and overall engaging approach will persuade even nail biters to grow their nails and try on some polish and eventually have the desire to have nail art done. To watch how a product works through a video online makes the viewer so interested he would want to see how that product works for himself.
To Charge or Not to Charge
Promoting your business via viral marketing videos is cost effective. It requires very little or no cost to make a video and uploading it on most sites, especially the popular ones, is free. The choice is then yours on whether you want to charge people who view your video or let them watch it for free and let your product speak for itself.
You can categorize your video to ensure that it lands in your business niche and make target marketing easier for your product. Ensuring the correct category where your video will be in increases your product's visibility and availability. When choosing viral marketing videos, make sure that the category it is in can reach out to the most number of people who can be your potential customers.