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Of course, if you want to do even less start up work, you can always make money on a web 2.0 site like ebay or craigslist. On these sites, you simply need something to sell, a service to offer, etc, and you can easily reach a huge number of readers instantly. On Ebay, a typical auction may take 7-10 days and is very stereotyped with a commission removed by Ebay with each auction.
In contrast, craigslist.com does not cost anything for the seller or the buyer, and the code of conduct is basically open. Sellers can post content about the goods or services they have to offer, and even upload images, for free. Craigs list has sub-sites all over the nation, so you know that when you’re looking at an item, the seller is in your area. In constrast, ebay has no delineations based on geography, so if you’re purchasing a large item, be prepared to pay a lot of shipping costs.
And Craig’s list is not all about items. For instance, you can also rent apartments through this site, post your resume, or even find a love interest. In terms of making money, you can post basically anything, list a price, and then buyers can send emails to craigslist which will then be anonymously forwarded to you about whether they’re interested in purchasing that item and if they’d like to negotiate the item. With Craigslist, the seller has the upper hand in deciding the price, because they can deny the buyer at a certain price, or even take the item off the list at any time. In contrast, with Ebay, the buyers are competing with each other, but in effect, they have the upper hand, because as long as they win the bid, the seller is in a binding contract to give them the item (of course, there are add-ons like threshold amounts that the buyer can set, if they pay ebay an additional fee).
In either craigslist or ebay, the true power of the site is the fact that so many people visit the site so frequently. If people were not so eager to bid, sell, etc on these sites, it would quickly fizzle out.
In addition to the obvious need for people to enrich their sites, craigslist and ebay also rely on readers to help prosecute scammers and spammers, which abound on these sites, particularly on craigslist, since it’s completely free and easy to register on.
All in all, there are plenty of ways to cash in on web 2.0. If you have a business, you can always post your wares on ebay or craigslist, but you can even make money with no start up funds by creating a great blog and marketing it to advertisers. However you do it, there is a lot of money in web 2.0, and it’s up to you to go after it.