Ebook Sample Content Preview:
When you notice your page is going viral within your friends ask them to suggest it to their friends. Most people will appreciate the content you are providing and will do so without even having to think about it!
Keep posting HIGH QUALITY content related to the niche, every single day. Not just once but every couple of hours. You don't really need to write all the content. If you find a great article just post the link. Websites wont actually mind as you are giving them exposure.
Use the 'discussions tab'. People love conversations and hearing others ideas. If you can try to fit in a very contreversial topic. For example on my fitness page I posted a discussion which I started with 'What is better for fat loss, cardio or weight training?'. I believe that discussion alone is what was responsible for taking my page from 42,145 fans to 50,000+ in the matter of 6 days!
What you want is for people to be talking about your fanpage, and there is nothing you can really do to make this happen except follow what I have just posted above.
Above is an overview of my fitness fanpage, in two weeks I went from ZERO fans to 55,317 just by following my own tips on exposing my page. What helped was the high quality content, which made people talk about the page in their status updates or sending the link to their buddies wall thinking they would like it.
One other tip I have is posting on related pages walls. Now all the time but still sometimes. Like I mentioned in 'Ultimate Facebook List-Builder'. It is great to have realationships with other fanpages, they will often repost the link to your fanpage or just plainly talk about it.