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Chapter 7: The Baby Boomer And Money
One of the largest worries that a baby boomer has to deal with is the financial aspect of life. It may seem strange to include the money aspect of your life in this e-book, but the Baby Boomer needs to take into account the financial obstacles that they are beginning to experience.
Many baby boomers are already seeing the financial crunch as they watch their parents struggle to pay the bills. Some of them are seeing that their parent’s homes are being reverse mortgaged to pay them something back so that they can actually afford daily life. Even worse, should they need long term health care and end of life care, they aren’t sure of just how that’s going to be paid for.
But, there is a problem. The Baby Boomer generation is also the generation that changed the world with their care free attitude. They started their lives in a post war period that was quite prosperous, didn’t have to worry about saving because many of the years have been economically beneficial to them. And, now, most baby boomers don’t have the funds that will allow them to retire.
Baby boomers liked to spend, and they spent more than any other generation before them. They also liked to mortgage real estate, run up credit cards and even have started more businesses than any other generation.
What does all of this mean to you, though? As a Baby Boomer, is it incredibly important for you to invest the time and money into looking at your financial situation.