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Since its launch in 2010 Udemy.com has become the go to place for people who want to acquire new skills through online video training. There are now more than 30 million students from all over the world and over 100,000 courses available.
A lot of online marketers have tried to generate significant passive income through Udemy and have failed. This is because they made a number of mistakes that this guide will help you to avoid.
Manu Udemy instructors do not sell many of their courses because there is no demand. In this guide you will learn how you can avoid that very costly mistake. Imagine spending days or weeks creating a great Udemy course only to have nobody purchase it!
You need to research the market properly and validate all of your Udemy course ideas and you will learn exactly how to do that. Udemy videos must be of the highest quality so you will see how to create this with the minimum of equipment that will not break the bank.
Once you have created your high quality Udemy course you need to promote it. Many marketers just let Udemy do this for them but this is never enough if you want to make serious levels of recurring income.
Everything that you need to be successful with Udemy is in this guide. If you follow the best practices offered then you will maximize your chances of success. So please read this guide from cover to cover and then roll your sleeves up and create the most lucrative Udemy courses.
Once you have created your first successful course you can just rinse and repeat to build your passive income levels.
Udemy has become a huge platform that receives a huge amount of visitor traffic every day. So in this guide we will show you how you can associate yourself with this huge website which has a ton of resources and marketing power so that you can make recurring income.
It is a lot easier than you think to create a course and publish it on Udemy. And with all of the eyeballs that the platform has if you go about things the right way then you will make good money selling your course. There are a lot of other places where you can promote and sell your courses so why should you choose Udemy?
The Benefits of Selling Courses on Udemy
There are a number of very good reasons why you should sell your courses on Udemy. If you are just starting out with selling training courses this is particularly important for yo0u to know. It can be very confusing and somewhat overwhelming if you want to start teaching people online.
You need to answer a number of questions such as:
- Should I teach people using a blog?
- Should I use YouTube?
- Should I create a podcast?
Then of course there are the self doubt questions that usually creep in when you want to start teaching online with your own courses:
- Am I the right person to teach online?
- What will I do if nobody buys or likes my online courses?
Udemy is the answer to all of these questions and here’s why:
You can Make Money while you Learn
If you really want to succeed online and create passive income streams there are many things that you need to learn and understand:
- How to conduct proper market research
- How to create winning promotions
- How to create top quality content
- How to produce great videos
- How to market and sell online
- How to use analytics to see how well you are doing
These are just a few of the things you need to know. If you are serious about generating recurring passive income then you need to know how to create those automated marketing systems that make this a reality. There are a number of technical aspects involved here and some of these can be a nightmare.
So if you are new to this making money online thing you have a steep learning curve to tackle.
You can make this a whole lot easier by learning how to leverage the Udemy platform. You can earn while you learn. The great thing about Udemy is that you can concentrate fully on creating the best online training courses for your market and they will take care of the marketing for you.
By using Udemy you will gain the experience of creating video courses that people will happily pay you for. You will learn how to create and edit your videos and how to write persuasive emails and interact properly with your target audience. Everything about Udemy is really “plug and play”.
You can Make Money quicker with Udemy
Another major benefit of using the Udemy platform is that you can make money in the very first month that you published your training course. And when you produce training courses that your market wants and you establish your reputation it will be easy for you to generate a significant passive income each month.
A lot of people that set out to make passive income either fail altogether or take ages to get to that point. They take the approach that they need to build an audience first and then later on they will make purchases. It is not unusual for this approach to take anything from a year to 18 months to start generating a regular monthly income.