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When it comes to affiliate marketing within twitter's community, you need to go about it in a very clever, indirect way.
For example, just posting affiliate links within your tweets is likely going to cause a massive number of followers to stop following you, so instead of direct advertising, you need to model your tweets after the most successful online marketers and blend in promotional links with entertaining or useful messages.
If you've ever paid attention to the twitter gurus like
Joel Comm, you'll quickly discover just how they go about doing this.
Every day, you'11 see multiple posts within their time line, most of them seemingly focused on purely entertaining their followers or offering links to valuable, free content.
If you look closer however, you'll see exactly what's really going on. These links to free content are featured on blogs or websites that advertise paid products. The free reports or guides that are given away require an opt-in to a newsletter or ezine.
Regardless how they choose to funnel traffic to their websites, whether it's by offering a free product or giveaway or simply posting a link to an informative article or blog post, they always focus on increasing the value of these visitors by either capturing their information within an autoresponder account, selling products, or promoting their websites and brand.
You never want to promote an affiliate product directly within your twitter message (tweet) but rather by directing potential customers to your blog by offering them free information, where your affiliate links are embedded into the content or website's navigation menu.
And there's an even easier method of sniping commissions from within the twitter community.