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The final tool that I have found is called Mr. Tweet. Follow Mr Tweet and you will receive recommendations of people you should be following and he will recommend you to others. This allows you to expand your sphere of influence from their recommendations.
It will save you time although you could and should be finding those worthwhile people if you are using Twitter for research and following them as you find them.
Integrate your Twitter into your other social networking by adding it to Facebook, My Blog Log, Friend Feed and any other places that allow it. That is the real leverage as like your RSS feed for your blog it allows you to be updating things at multiple sites with each tweet. Some of those can also be updating Twitter too.
It is very powerful as you may have different friends or followers at these sites than you do on Twitter and adding them allows each group to get the same information and also adds to your frequency of updating each of these sites.
A caveat for getting the most out of Twitter with your blog. Participate in ways other than just automating your blog posts. See a good tweet with information that would benefit your followers retweet it. Respond and have conversations with others there. It is called networking for a reason.
Just like your blog you are building a community or “tribe” as Seth Godin calls it on Twitter. People who look to you to deliver information they want and rely on as a credible resource.
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