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Chapter 4 - How To Create A Twitter Strategy That Works
Obviously one of the key elements to ensure twitter marketing success is to get your Twitter strategy correct. You need to make sure that whatever you are doing is working for your business, and that it is bringing you in the desired results.
So when it comes to your Twitter strategy what should you be aiming for?
To get the best results that you can from Twitter Marketing, then you have to first of know what it is that you want to achieve as an end result. What outcome is it that you are looking for?
In other words you have to set goals for your Twitter marketing campaign before you even start to put any strategies in place.
Your goals could be to grow your brand, gain more followers, drive traffic to your website or blog, or even grow your email list.
Only once you have set your Twitter marketing goals will it then be time to start looking at what strategies you should use.
Here are some of the Twitter marketing strategies the experts use day in day out their businesses.
Strategy 1:
Linking Your Twitter Strategy With Your Content Marketing
Now when it comes to linking your twitter strategy and your content management it isn't as easy as some people might think. Its not just a case of sharing every blog post or article you write and hoping that people read it.
Obviously you will want to share those articles, you just have to be very careful about how you do it so that it doesn't become a one way dynamic where all you do is shout about you content from your social media pages.
You have to keep your Twitter marketing strategy in mind when you are creating your content, think about what your goals are from the outset. Which type of content will your followers be likely to read and then share.
If you have a true understanding of who your followers are, and more importandy what their problems or desires are, then you should be able to create content that can engage them and help them.
If you can create articles that you know your followers will find helpful then engagement rates for that content will be higher and therefore your followers will be more inclined to share your content amongst their peers.
Make sure when you are creating content that you make it easy for people to share, you can do this very simply by adding share buttons to your posts.
Offer more free high quality content that they can only access if the share your original article.
The key to success with this strategy is looking at how your content supports your Twitter marketing.
Do you have ultra short lead ins for your content that will work on Twitter? Do you have super short but super useful content that can be used in a Tweet?
Have you segmented your list of followers so that you know what lists react best to what content? (Some people like to re-tweet or reply to short tweets, others to jokes, some to tweets that link to full posts or articles) That way you know what to Tweet for each segment.
At the end of the day there is no denying that content marketing and any form of social media marketing go hand in hand, so always keep this in mind when creating your content.
Strategy 2
Use Twitter To Build Your Brand
Building your brand is vital to any businesses success and Twitter can be a key player in helping you achieve this.
Twitter is growing faster year on year, and its for that reason more than any other that now is the time to really concentrate on building a brand around your business, blog or name.
Building your brand on Twitter will take some time and dedication, you can't be half halfhearted about it. You have to be prepared to take the time to build your brand via Twitter, it will take time and work but it will be worth it.
Before you start to build your brand on Twitter you will have to know what your brand is and how you want your business to viewed by others. Once you know this then there are some simple steps that you can follow in order to successfully build your brand on Twitter.
The first thing to remember is to keep it simple, don't over complicate your message on Twitter, tweet often, share useful information, stay true to your business message and this will help people connect with your brand.
Share only quality content, both your own content and other peoples content, lets face it this is your reputation we are talking about.
You want people to find your content helpful, informative, funny etc. You don't want them to find it poorly written, unhelpful, dull etc.
Only quality content will bring people back for more, you want to ensure that people talk positively about the information that you have given them, because this spreads a positive message about your business and your brand.
Strategy 3
Engage And Interact With Your Audience
While this tip sounds easy enough its amazing how many businesses out there over look this really easy step when it comes to marketing their business on twitter.
If someone Tweets you make sure you reply. If you can, use their name in the reply.
If they ask a question go out of your way to answer them. That way when the time comes to promote your offers and services, the follower will be more inclined to join a mailing list or buy a product because they will remember when you helped them and asked for nothing in return.
If someone re-tweets your posts then make sure you thank them for it. This should be a given, if someone has gone out of their way to help you spread your message then
they least you can do it thank them for it.
The more engagement you have with your followers the more connected they will feel to you and the more happy they will be to share information on your business which in turn helps grow your brand further.