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Other toys have parts that can be recycled easily, just when recycling parts, make sure that you don’t recycle parts that can be swallowed by small children. Yes, eyes on stuffed animals are usually secure, but once unsnapped they become very un-secure and should be thrown back into the trash.
Never save the stuffing as stuffing cannot be washed and would not be sanitary. And always be sure to wash any fabrics that you recycle, and sterilize any plastic parts that you recycle as well.
Other items you may want to keep a good eye out for would be beaded necklaces, especially those with glass beads, as glass beads are highly wanted by other crafters for their projects.
Leather, suede and silk are also materials you should keep an eye out for, because scraps of these materials usually sell for very good prices.
You can also assemble quick kits using your scrap cloth pieces. For example, you can make scented pillow kits by placing a small bag of potpourri, 2 pieces of heart shaped cloth, and a small piece of lace into a regular zip-lock bag, and resell these kits for $5.00 to $10.00 quite easily.
Old crocheted bedspreads can also be converted into kits, especially if they are badly damaged.
Vintage crocheted bedspreads were usually pieced together using individual crocheted motifs. If you happen to find a bedspread made in this fashion, then you’ve found yourself a very nice treasure indeed.
If the bedspread is in good condition with no rips, stains or loose threads then you would want to resell it as a complete spread.
But if you find that motifs are coming off because of torn threads, or find a stain that can’t be removed in one part of the spread, then you can quickly disassemble the motifs by cutting carefully at the seams.