In order to download the zipped file you'll need a program to uncompress the compressed files (.zip extension). Here is a good & also free suggestion: JustZipIt - the following link will open a NEW page in your browser. Click here NOTE: If you have already installed any other uncompression utility (that can open files ending in .zip) there is no need to install any other software.
In Internet Explorer choose "Save Target As..." and download the file to your desktop (in Netscape you choose "Save Link As..").
Once you select the "save target as" or "save link as" entry, a download screen will appear asking you where you want to save the file to on your computer.
The download screen will appear like this...
You should save the file to your "Desktop" or another folder you can easily find.
Once you have downloaded the file, go to your desktop or the file you saved it to and unzip the file.