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Now that we've got that out of the way, let's get on with the good stuff! Let’s face it… we all love YouTube. We’ve spent countless hours watching chubby babies giggle, cats do tricks, and that kid named David chatter after a visit to the dentist.
Perhaps you’ve taken your love of YouTube to the next level and started your own YouTube channel. It sounded like a great way to boost your business, right?
The only problem is that making videos is only one part of the process. Then comes the hard part: actually getting people to watch your videos.
If you have ever wished you could figure out the secret to make your YouTube videos a success, I have good news. I’m about to show you how to take your YouTube channel to a whole new level.
In fact, if you follow these simple step-by-step principles, your YouTube video can on the first page of Google and YouTube within days.
Did you know that YouTube is the second largest search website on the entire Internet? YouTube gets more daily searches than Bing and Yahoo. In fact, there is only one search engine that gets more action.
You probably already guessed it! That’s right, it’s Google. Of course, you may already know that Google actually owns YouTube. Because they are operated by the same folks, you can enjoy some pretty amazing rewards from both if you play your cards right.
But before we get too deep into the relationship between YouTube and Google, let’s get back to the basics and make sure you have a good understanding of how YouTube works and how you can use it to your advantage.
YouTube Is The Future Of Internet Marketing If you want to know how to optimize your business for the Internet, the key is to stay ahead of the trends. If you can predict the future of Internet marketing, you can beat your competition to a great marketing strategy and enjoy success while they are still figuring out how to catch up.
That’s why YouTube is crucial. Video is going to be the future for Internet marketing. Cisco predicts that by 2015, at least 90% of web traffic is going to be video based.
Right now, 60 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute. That means 1 hour of video goes up every second! Obviously, people are crazy about YouTube! The growing industry of online video is nothing to be laughed at. Sites like Netflix and Hulu are pulling in mass quantities of people too.
Many people are abandoning cable television or expensive satellite programming in favor of watching their favorite shows and movies online.
With that in mind, YouTube marketing is a safe strategy to make sure your website gets ultimate visibility both now and in the future.
Get Going With YouTube NOW
If you think you have time to figure out how YouTube really works, think again. We’ve reached the tipping point where more and more people are going to do video searches and it’s time to cash in on this new wave of technology.
If you put it off, you’re going to be too late. You need YouTube marketing and you need it NOW.
By jumping in and learning the logistics of making YouTube work for you, you’re going to be way ahead of your competition when they finally figure out what’s happening and try to join the YouTube movement. Chances are that your competition is still worrying about how to get their website to hit the #1 spot on Google searches. But here’s the thing… you can grab a top spot with an amazing video and you can do it with much less effort or expense.
Remember, Google and YouTube are friends! They work together so you can harness the power of this team and make it work for you.
When you start using YouTube properly, you will see a huge rise in your rankings with Google and it won’t take long. In fact, it could happen almost overnight.
Why is that #1 spot so important? It’s the key to unlocking thousands of organic searches. When someone does a Google search, research shows that they click on the top result 36% of the time. The second spot gets 12% of clicks and the third gets 9%. From there the numbers drop considerably for each position. If you aren't on the first page, you might as well not exist these days.
Now if you think you can beat the system by paying for Google AdWords, you’re wrong. Paid results that show above the top search result still only receive around 5% of the clicks. It’s definitely no substitute for ranking at #1 the good old-fashioned way!
Imagine what it would be like if you could not only rank #1 on Google, but have a video that ranked #1 on YouTube too? You would now control prime real estate on two of the most popular search engines in the world!
So let’s get started...
Unwrapping the Anatomy of YouTube
There are two basic parts of YouTube: channels and pages. If you want to be successful, you have to know the difference.
YouTube works as a secondary website and the channel is your homepage.Each video you make is a secondary webpage.
By adding more videos, you strengthen your channel. You want your channel to be as strong as possible so that your site will rank higher.
So how can you beef up your YouTube channel? Here are a few principles to guide you.
Keep It Relevant
If you want your YouTube channel to have authority in your niche, make sure your videos are relevant. For instance, if your website focuses on dog training, don’t post random videos about gardening. If you are working on multiple niches, create a separate channel for each one. Mixing up a ton of unrelated videos on one channel is a recipe for YouTube disaster. No one is going to know what your channel is about, what purpose it has, or why they should care what you have to say through your videos. You’ve got to be relevant to build authority. You’ve got to build authority to rank high on Google. So rule #1 is to keep every video relevant.
Video With Purpose
We’ve all stumbled on those videos where someone is rambling about their products with no clear call to action. It’s painful, isn’t it?
Don’t be one of those rambling YouTube rookies. Instead, think about the purpose of your videos before you ever make them.
What are your goals for this video? What do you really want to accomplish?
For most of us, the purpose will be to grab new readers for our websites. The video is supposed to be a little sample of the great information your website offers. You want to whet their appetite and guide them to move to the website and buy your products or subscribe to your updates.
Ask For What You Want
There’s no need to make it a guessing game for the people who view your YouTube video. Tell theme exactly what you want. You need a CLEAR call to action in every video. You can do this is a few ways. The easiest method is to mention the link to your website listed in the video description. Ask your viewers to click it and check it out.
Go a step further and mention the awesome benefits they will enjoy by opting in to your list.
When someone visits your website from YouTube, you are already at a clear advantage. These are not blind searchers. They have purposely clicked to your website because they are interested in what you have to offer.
Take the time to track where your traffic is coming from. Your YouTube traffic will convert at much higher rates than organic search traffic. Just check the stats and see for yourself!