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There is no better way to get your account revoked on YouTube than to violate their terms of service.
Each and every day, people are removed from YouTube’s databases for harassing comments, neglecting to follow simple copyright rules or for just acting moronic when commenting on about other videos that people have posted.
If you find that your account is removed because you violated YouTube’s terms of service, you will quickly learn that everything you worked to establish on YouTube has been completely erased.
All of the hard work you spent in trying to turn YouTube into a new advertising route will instantly vanish and you will have to start all over again or move on to something else.
The single best way to avoid violating the terms of service set forth by YouTube is to actually read them when you sign up. Far too many people simply click the “Yes, I agree” box and do not actually read the whole terms of service.
If you are serious about trying to get traffic to your website by using YouTube, you owe it to yourself to read and understand each and every term set forth by YouTube so you do not end up like so many others who are quickly erased from the YouTube databases.
If reading the actual terms is not for you, or you do not have enough time to do so, there are two terms that each and every person should pay attention to. First and foremost, do not post anything that is obviously copyrighted to someone else.
Do not even think about posting that new trailer for Pirates of the Caribbean, and think twice before you stick that hot new music video on YouTube.
Furthermore, when making comments to people on their movies or on their account pages, do not use any racist slurs, do not be exceedingly abrasive, and do not try to spam for your website. These are just three of the ways that your comments can get you into trouble.