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Tube Celebrity
How to Become a Massive Tube Celebrity
Being a YouTube celebrity is undoubtedly one of the coolest ways to make money online. Not only are you getting paid a rather large passive income potentially but you’ll also be doing something that is highly rewarding – creating content and getting large amounts of feedback about it from a legion of fans!
If you become big enough, it can eventually lead to more opportunities – whether that means appearing on television or just becoming such a household name that people eventually start to notice you when you’re out and about!
Making money from a blog or as an affiliate marketer can sometimes be a bit of a thankless job… But making it from creating YouTube content is hugely exciting and presents massive opportunities and possibilities!
But of course this is something that everyone knows. Just about everyone finds this prospect appealing and there is certainly no shortage of people trying to make it big on the platform (and often failing). So the question is how you stand out and succeed where others have not been able to.
And that’s where this guide comes in. Go and make yourself a cup of tea, sit down somewhere comfortable and read on. We’re about to lay out the exact set of steps you need to follow to become a massive YouTube celebrity and start making huge money talking on subjects you’re passionate about…
The basic steps to becoming a big YouTube sensation are relatively simple. The idea is simply to create a channel and then to post regular content there. This way, you can demonstrate to your audience that you’re an authority and that you know the subject you’re discussing. At the same time, you’ll find that this allows you to gradually gain subscribers as people decide they want to be regularly updated about your content.
So over time, your content will grow and grow and you’ll find yourself developing following. This then makes you an influencer – you now have the ability to influence the hearts and minds of your audience and potentially to encourage them to make purchases based on your recommendations. In turn, that means that advertisers and sponsors will want to work with you.
The best way to get paid advertising through YouTube is to use Google’s own PPC network. This means that adverts will show on top of your videos or right at the start before they play. If the viewer watches all the way through, or if they click on the ad, then you will get paid a small amount by the advertiser (anything from .01 cent to several dollars).
Often it takes hundreds of thousands of views daily to get to the point where you’re making any real money from your advertising alone. But what you can also do, is to make money from sponsorship deals whereby companies will pay you simply to mention their products or services in a positive light and to make money from selling your own products from your site. A lot of fitness YouTubers will do this for instance by creating some kind of workout program. They can then gain followers by making videos that share fitness advice and inspiring training videos and meanwhile promote their plan that shows people how to get into ‘great shape like them’.
It’s a simple but highly effective business model and the benefit of video is that it’s that much easier to really promote a product that you’ve created and to get people to really want it.
So now the question becomes: how do you build your following?
Because it’s important that you be prepared for the reality when you first get started. You might be hoping that you’ll upload your video and find yourself suddenly inundated with views. Unfortunately, what’s much more likely to happen is that you’ll upload your video and find you have zero views.