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"Ladies! Would You Like To Get Your Hands On Over 100 Rare And Beautiful Black And White Tribal Butterfly Tattoos?.."
That You Can Download, Print And Take Straight Away To Your Tattoo Artist?
Dear Tattoo Lover,
Expressing your love for real tattoo art on your body can be a very fulfilling experience. Once you get your tattoo ingrained into you, it becomes a part of you and says much about who you are. You start to give more attention to that particular area of your body and admire it more than you use to - this is perfectly natural!
Why Butterfly Tattoos?
Butterfly Tattoos are extremely popular and can add a distinct 'je ne sais quoi' to a person's character. The real beauty of butterfly tattoos is that they don't have to be loud and obnoxious useless you want them to be, but rather subtle and stylish.
What Do They Mean?
Butterfly tattoos, when done by a skilled artist can be a dynamic piece of art. They symbolize the female's charisma, beauty and diversity and they are also highly symbolic creatures in many cultures, including our own.
Beginning in the east though, in Japan, one butterfly stands for young womanhood while two symbolize marital bliss. To the Aztecs of ancient Mexico however, the butterfly stood both for the souls of dead warriors who had fallen on the battlefield and the souls of women who had died in childbirth – the two most noble deaths of which an Aztec could conceive.