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5 Great Travel Blogs
Whether you travel a lot or infrequently, it makes sense to ask for veteran advice. Whether you are looking to save time or money, or simply have the best possible experience when traveling, there are people who have the information you're looking for. You have probably purchased something online, and checked out the reviews of previous purchasers before you made a decision. You can do basically the same thing when you lean on national and international travelers who share their hard-earned information with you for free.
You can find these individuals a couple of ways. Just type "best travel blog sites" or "top travel blogs" into Google or your preferred search engine. If you do this, be prepared to sift through 436 million results. That is how many different web pages showed up for a recent Google search for "top 10 travel blogs". If you don't have the rest of your life to work through all of those websites, check out the fol-lowing 5 award-winning travel blogs where you can find anything you want to know about vacationing, travel and accommodations away from home (updated in May of 2018 and ranked in no particular order).
1 – Dan Flying Solo
Aside from having some incredible pictures and photographs on his website, Dan is a veteran globetrotter that can give the solo traveler a lot of smart advice. He often travels with other known travel bloggers and the wealth of information he has on his blog for traveling internationally and nationally is virtually limitless.
2 – Under 30 Experiences
This travel site is ranked as a Top 15 Millennials Travel Blog. As the blog name in-dicates, the information contained here is perfect for those around or under 30 years of age. The blog even offers trips where you can join other millennials for memorable travel experiences.
3 – The Blog Abroad
Gloria is the Arizona native that created and runs The Blog Abroad. From scoring discount deals to securing upgrades on air travel, Gloria has assembled a lot of travel knowledge. Be forewarned that she is never scared to voice her opinion, but in many cases, this is good for you, because she lets you know when she runs across a destination or accommodation you should probably pass up.
4 – Drew Binsky
It seems like a lot of great world travelers hail from Arizona. Drew, like Gloria, is an Arizona native. Years ago he left college because he felt he wasn't seeing enough of the world. That is good news for you because he has spent every year since traveling the globe and gaining a lot of knowledge that can help you make your next travel plans a success.
5 – A Broken Backpack
Melissa is the Canadian native that runs A Broken Backpack. She is a superstar on YouTube and Snapchat, and she has plenty of videos that show you the pros and cons of a destination you may be thinking about visiting. Melissa's blog is the per-fect destination for anyone that enjoys backpacking and hiking away from home.
Staying in a Hotel? Get to Know Your Staff Before You Travel
Are you planning a trip? Will you be staying in a hotel, motel or B&B? It is easy to get anxious about your trip to the point where you forget to do little things like packing a toothbrush or your phone charger. These things happen, and they put minor speedbumps in your travel plans. To make sure you experience a great time when paying for lodging, and you encounter as few unforeseen issues as possible, use this simple travel hack.
Call ahead and get to know the staff that will be waiting on you. This is such a simple practice, but almost nobody other than veteran travelers ever do it. A few days before you travel, call the hotel or motel where you will be staying. Let them know who you are, and when you have reservations. Let them know you would like to speak with anyone who will be working while you are there if they will be interacting with you.
It is especially important to get to know the concierge or doorman. These men and women can make your stay a 5-star experience because they know every-thing about your lodging, and also about the surrounding sights and sounds in the area. A short conversation with a manager or doorman that has lived in the area for years can yield important dos and don'ts that keep you from having a misera-ble experience.
What to Do if You Can't Speak with Your Staff
Some accommodations will respect the privacy of their staff members. This might mean you won't be able to glean any insider info from housemaids, bartenders and other "in the know" service personnel. If this is the case, call back on another day and ask to be transferred to the bar. Ask to speak with the concierge when the operator or desk clerk answers.
This can get you straight to the individuals you want to speak with. Let them know your lodging dates and ask them if they will be working on those dates. Make a personal connection and discuss what you are hoping to accomplish during your stay. Are you traveling for a second honeymoon? Will your entire family be going, or is this a getaway for you and your significant other? Bending the ears of service personnel instead of managers can reveal the real pros, cons, and possibilities available to you.
If these attempts at getting the 411 on your accommodations fail, try this. As soon as you arrive and get situated, meet as many staff members as you can. Keep a smile on your face and thank everyone you speak with. Make real connections in- stead of treating these individuals as if they are your servants. These simple re-connaissance hacks may just turn a so-so stay into the best travel experience of your life.
The Travel Documentation Hack You Probably Aren't Using ... and Should Be
Imagine the following scenario. You travel to an exotic destination. You have been planning on this dream vacation for years, maybe even decades. You are having the time of your life. You can't imagine the experience getting any better. You are having such a great time that you are not paying attention to what you are doing, maybe because you have been enjoying too many adult beverages, and you mis-place your wallet.
What do you do now? You know you are going to have to replace your license or ID and call your credit card companies. If you have earned any specific skills or de-grees which could prove handy during your travel plans, how can you prove you have earned those accreditations? If you are overseas or otherwise in a country other than your own, what are you going to do about your passport?