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A few beginners fall under the trap of thinking that merely deleting personal files will work. This makes your information harder to find, however doesn’t delete it totally. An experienced coder may still find it easily. Instead, we recommend completely overwriting your hard drive, preferably multiple times, then re-installing your operating system from scratch if you need to (for example, if you’re donating the PC).
When it comes to drive-rewriting programs, the U.S. Defense Department guidelines serve as the industry standard. But, any of the following software ought to do the trick. Again, don’t forget to back up your files and make a backup disk of your OS prior to starting!
WipeDrive is the power tool of disk overwrite utility program: not only does it fit DOD standards; however its customers really include the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, as well as the U.S. Army and Navy. However, this isn't free. The unpaid version merely wipes 25 percent of your data, making it worthless except for trials, while the complete version costs about $19.95.
Darik’s Boot and Nuke, an unsupported freeware platform, gets the job done. Download the .iso file, burn it to disk, and boot your PC using DBAN after entering the BIOS screen.