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Chapter 6: Learn the rules
Different areas have their own set of laws when it comes to the things that can be recycled. Make sure that you know the specific things that are recyclable in your area. In this chapter, you will get an overall idea of the materials which can be possibly recycled.
Most types of paper are recyclable. The prices of the virgin paper pulp are continuing to increase for the past few years and this is the reason why more and more plants are now being built in order to handle and reprocess waste paper.
What About Your Area
Here is a quick glimpse of the simplest rules that will ensure that you will go down the right path for becoming a champion in zero waste management and making some money.
Plastic Bags are Not Allowed
If you ask any recycling centers, they will surely tell you that plastic bags are what they struggle with most. Even though these bags are recyclable, they go through an entirely different process compared to the hard plastics, wreaking havoc on single-stream/zero-sort systems which are common in most communities. As much as possible, you should try to sort out these plastic bags from your recyclables in order to help in your recycling goals.
Knowing Before Throwing
Education is always be the best way for you to learn the things that can and cannot be recycled and composted, saving the centers from the hassle, cash and gas, not to mention that this will significantly help reduce environmental waste. It is important that you check with the center in your area to know the dos and don’ts when it comes to recycling.
This might seem a bit counterintuitive but the truth is, when you put items that cannot be recycled in the recycling bin, this will only lead to more harm to the environment than good. When in doubt, it is always a better idea that you avoid putting the material with the rest of the recyclables. As well, this could hinder your money making process as your whole load may be turned down.
When it comes to recycling paper, it is important to collect large quantities of clean, well sorted, dry and uncontaminated paper.
Glass, Steel, Foil and Aluminum Cans
You can easily recognize these recyclables and in fact, many people never have any trouble when it comes to sorting the said materials properly. Steel, copper, aluminum cans, glass as well as other metals can be recognized right away and easily recycled. But, you cannot mix glass bottles with other kinds of glass such as Pyrex plates, light bulbs, auto glass, glass tableware as well as window glass. As for aluminum cans, make sure that they are cleaned enough for preventing odors.
There is a wide range of plastics that are recyclable and when the right dose of care is used, most of the plastic wastes will surely end uprecycled. The main issue when it comes to recycling plastics is that you cannot mix various kinds of plastics during the process although virtually, it is hard to identify one type from the rest by simply looking at them or touching them. Even the tiniest amount of the wrong kind of plastic will already ruin the entire batch that will be reprocessed.
These are only the most basic of the things that can be recycled. While different areas have different lists of recyclables, you can expect that these will always be included.
Wrapping Up
Recycling is definitely the most common symbol that you can see in trash cans, garbage bags as well as dump trucks. Children in various parts of the world are taught of the phrase “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” hoping that a cleaner environment will be created in the near future.
Everyone knows that even in the simplest way, all people can actually help create a much better place to live in. However, there is no denying that there are plenty of benefits, such as cash, that you can get out of recycling aside from lessening the amount of trash that you need to get rid of off every day. After all, both effort and time are used up for the collection, separation as well as sending away of trash.
Old bottles, scrap cars, used rubber tires, and junk mail have now become common materials in landfills.
Through recycling, everyone gets the chance to help the junk items be used time and time again in order to avoid exploiting the new resources and at the same time make some money.
This will also help conserve the natural resources including water, coal, oil, gas, minerals and timber. One more benefit of recycling is that this will put more emphasis on the creation of technology. This is the reason why majority of industries are supporting the programs wherein they can gain large amounts of recyclable materials that can be converted to new items.
When recycling aluminum cans, manufacturers be able to save as much as 95% of the entire energy needed for producing the cans from the raw materials. This is why you can get paid for the items.
As well, it has been clearly shown that there is a high amount of energy that you can save and use in the future, thus reducing the reliance on foreign land that can further help in saving money along the way.
Among the primary reasons why recycling is being promoted is the fact that this can reduce the environment’s strain. Through the constructive use of waste products, you can little by little lessen the size of landfills.
If you think that recycling is only a insignificant way to bring in some cash, you better think twice because the truth is, it is already a big industry.
Because this is the right thing to do for the earth, many are definitely going to recycle out the goodness of their own hearts. But son’t forget that there is money to be made.
The majority of areas have some policies put into place that will give some financial benefits to the ones who recycle. Those people who are taking glass bottles or aluminum cans to the plant that recycles get cash in return.