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Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is when people do things over and over again and they don’t know why. It is an odd behavior and there are many people who suffer from it. However, did you ever think that dogs could suffer from obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)?
The Cause of OCD
Dogs gets obsessive compulsive disorder when they are suffering from stress or boredom. They can also experience it when they are dealing with anxiety. For a dog owner, dealing with OCD can be a big problem. Dogs can act out in a variety of ways, including damaging things, messing up yards, being aggressive toward others and barking for the sake of doing it. Once these become repetitive, the dog has entered into the world of obsessive compulsive disorder.
The only way your dog can show their frustration is to do repetitive actions until you take notice so if your dog behaves in this way, spend more time playing and talking with them and generally interacting with them more.
If you see that your dog is bored, you will have to find more activities for him to do or spend more time with him doing the activities that he is already engaged in. Dogs are like children and love it when you spend quality time with them.
If your dog is stressed, consult with your veterinarian. Once your dog gets in that mode, he can become aggressive and put others in danger, including himself. Your veterinarian can provide your dog with medication to calm him down. Depending on what kind of breed you have, they may be genetically linked to OCD. There are certain ones, such as English Bull Terriers and German Shepherds that are known to have OCD linked to their genetic history.
Whatever the case, once you find out your dog has OCD, it’s important to get them help immediately so that they can live a normal life.
Whining, Howling and Excessive Barking
There are times when whining, howling and barking are normal for your dog. However, if you have a dog that constantly whines, howls or barks, it can become a problem. Not only can it become a problem for you, it can also become a problem for your neighbors if you live in an apartment or a subdivision and you may get constant complaints from them if the problem is not resolved.