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Think hard about how your video is presented
You need to consider things like how big the screen is and how loud the sound is. You also should consider if the video with automatically play or if the consumer needs to initiate it. These can be important factors in how successful your video marketing is.
Reuse old video to make something new
Do not throw out old video footage. Save everything you do. You may be able to revamp it into a whole new video that turns into an amazing sales tool.
Keep your video professional
Nothing does more to turn off a consumer than a bad quality video. You want to present your video in a professional way that tells the consumer that you are a professional and not some novice trying to sell junk. Your video is representative of you and your product, so keep it professional.
Do not overwhelm the consumer
While you want to provide a good overview of your product, you do not want to throw so much information at the consumer that they tune it out. Keep it simple and stick to the basic facts for the best presentation that won’t chase away the consumer.
Tailor the video to your target market
You need to always keep the consumer in mind when creating your video. Do not use complex language that your target market would not understand. At the same time do not talk down to them or otherwise treat them in a way that is not appropriate for the market you are in.
Get creative
While you want to keep your video simple, you still want it to be exciting. Get creative and come up with ideas and slants that will sell your product in a compelling way. You want to present a video that is going to be fun to watch. Think outside of the box.
Place it wisely
Where you place your video on your website can mean the difference between success and failure. You want to make sure that you put it where it will be seen. It should get prominent placement.
Stick with one basic message
You want to make the video very precise. You need to find a message and create the video around that one message. Nothing will confuse the consumer more than a video with multiple messages. You can make other videos with different messages, but it is important that each video has only one message.
Do not forget to edit
I am sure that anything you write gets edited. The same needs to be done with video. You need to watch it and make sure it flows and makes sense. You need to make sure that it comes across the way you wanted and that it is overall a good video that people would want to watch.
Test your video
You want to try out your video and keep tabs on how well it is doing. You will need to come up with testing methods that allow you to see if consumers are watching it all the way through, getting enough information from it, enjoying it and most importantly, that it is influencing sales.
Give options to the consumer
The consumer should be able to fast forward, rewind and adjust the sound on the video. You want to give the consumer these options so they can feel somewhat in control. Additionally, you want the consumer to be able to replay the video and adjust the sound so they can hear it good.
Change your video on occasion
You should have a few different videos to present. You want to try out different videos by changing them from time to time. You may find that one video out performs the others by doing this.
Choose the images and people in your video carefully
You have to always keep in mind that this video is representing you and your company. Make sure that images and people you use are pleasant and professional. Also you want pleasant images and people because that is what people will be most interested in watching.
Get ideas from commercials
Television commercials are amazing sales tools. You can use ideas form these creative advertising spots to help you develop a good video. You can get some amazing ideas that other company’s pay top dollar to advertising executives to create.
Try to keep costs low
Creating a video has gotten more cost efficient with all the tools available to the average business person, but you still need to be careful. It is easy to get carried away and end up blowing your whole marketing budget on making a video.
Scope out other internet videos
You can get a lot of ideas online from others who are using videos to sell their products. Look at top ranked websites and see what they are doing to drive in sales.
Understand the power of video
Video is a very powerful tool that has the ability to really boost your traffic and sales. Make sure that you see everything that video is capable of doing for you.
Use emotion
One of the greatest things about video is you can finally convey emotion to your consumer. Part of selling is a passion for the product and you can really get this across in video.
Take full advantage of all the attention you get
When you add a video to your website you will be getting more traffic and you need to capitalize on it. Make sure you website is up to par and can turn visitors into sales.
Keep it simple
Keep everything simple and do not abandon everything you already know about creating online content. Follow the same rules you did when creating your website.
Don’t over sell
You do not want to push customers away by being too much of a sales person. Avoid the desire to yell out about the great price and to tell the consumer they must buy. Don’t be pushy, be persuasive.
Show, not tell
One of the best things about video is you can show the consumer why they should buy instead of telling them. There is a lot of power behind showing instead of telling.