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Very informal. I said, “Hey my name is Mark Flavin I've got this website that offers free ring tones and I noticed that you do a little tech spot, and I was wondering if you would like to add my website? And I got an email back that said yup let’s go. Just like that. There was no big long rigmarole it was just a quick yes. Then a week later there it was, a 5 minute spot.
Wow! Fantastic! That’s fantastic.
Yeah! You just have to ask. When we're working in the online world we tend to forget about TV and radio. More people are listening to radio and watching TV than there are online. So you just have to ask. There’s no harm in asking people.
You’re working both angles then. So you work offline to get people to your website online.
Yeah! I haven’t used it too much, I do it with press releases and things like that, but ironically, my first venture of getting traffic in the online world, was in the offline world.
That’s cool!
Now I’m going to do something kind of unorthodox, which goes along with your traffic program, Traffic Transformer. Instead of making everybody wait until the very end of the call and let them know about the super secret surprise package you put together, I’m going to go ahead and let everybody know now. And then we’re going to go ahead and show you how Mark is getting traffic, other than just through a radio station.
He’s also got 30 different ways of getting traffic to a website. Now, obviously we don’t have time to cover everything, but I selected 10 of the methods that I’d like to cover and kind of pick Mark’s brain and get all the details of how they work.