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Mark: Exactly! With videos, almost 90% of the time there's a comedy element to them. But with a report for a particular niche, you want to help people. And if your report does that, it'll get passed around.
Terry: Excellent! Now how about if you send out a report and you let people brand it with their affiliate link. Then it goes viral even faster. How can you let people co-brand your report? Is there a special way to do that?
Mark: Yeah there’s a piece of software called Viral PDF. Basically you could do just like Terry said. Put your links in there and let your affiliates rebrand it with their affiliate link. Then when they send it off, they get commissions from the report. So they're motivated to send and promote it, because they getting money every time people buy a product.
Terry: Exactly! So it becomes more viral, because people have an incentive to send it further. They've got their link in it as well.
Mark: Exactly!
Terry: Excellent! As far as video, is there any way to brand a video? So if I want to send a video for one of your products, for example, can I brand that video with my affiliate link?