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Article marketing can be a fantastic way to drive long-term free traffic to your web sites, but only if you do it correctly. There has been so much talk on the internet marketing forums about article marketing and what’s working and what isn’t, but like anything online, you need to test it out for yourself and the niche you are in.
The one main issue with getting traffic from articles is that it can take a while before you start seeing any, and so many people give up too early because of that. The real power of article marketing comes not in the short term, but over months and years. Yes, you can still be getting free traffic from articles you submitted two years ago!
The point to article marketing is for your article to be ranked high in the search engines for your chosen keywords, but to also be used by other web site owners on their sites, so that your author bio link pointing to your site will be clicked. Not only can you get free traffic from the search engines, but also from sites which you have no idea even exist.
So the first thing you need to do is know what niche your web site is in and find keywords to write your articles around. These keywords should not be major competitive keywords which have all kinds of big and powerful sites already ranking in the search engines. You need to find smaller keywords that get anywhere from 30-100 visits a day (for being on the #1 spot in the search engines), you can even go with lower numbers if you want.
You might not get a lot of traffic for each article, but over time with many articles on the same topic using different keywords, you can start seeing a lot of free traffic. Article marketing is all about having a lot of articles out there, all pulling in a bit of traffic, and hopefully that traffic will click on your link in the author resource box to visit your site.
Once you have found a good keyword to use, you will then need to write the article. You will have to keep in mind the rules and terms of the article directories to which you will be submitting this article to. All article directories are different, some allow affiliate links, some don’t, and some need the article to be of a certain length. So before you start writing, research the different directories that you will be using to learn about what they accept and don’t accept.