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Social Networking sites are basically the community sites that we talked about earlier in this book, communities that you join and then search for people within the community with similar interests as you.
Now, some social networking sites are very small and focused, so by definition the people who join such sites are already members of a tightly focused interest group.
Such a group might be brought together by their political or religious beliefs, or it could be something such as their hobbies (they love Ford Mustangs or making cheesecake) sports or basically anything else that mankind has found it possible to be interested in!
So, in such a tightly focused group, almost all members without exception will be interested in the one common thing.
However, there are many other community sites where the only real common interest that most of the members could possibly ever have with one another is that they are all, in fact, members of the same site!
This is simply a function of the size and therefore the diversity of the sites in question, with websites like MvSpace and FaceBook having literally millions of members all over the globe. (107 and 73 million members respectively)
Such sites generally have a totally open membership, meaning that anyone can become a member, no matter what their hobbies, beliefs, or views are.
Thus, there is no general community wide commonality of beliefs or interests either.
It is therefore only natural that once you are a member, inside this online community, you can begin to create your own network of friends, those that do have similar interest and/or beliefs to those of your own.
And this is where it gets interesting for you as an Internet marketer or online business person.
Firstly, if we use MySpace as our example (simply because whatever works on MySpace also works on almost every other social networking sit, albeit sometimes after a degree of ‘finessing’), then you are looking at one of the ten biggest websites in the world.
Whatever your interests, given so many millions of members, then there will inevitably be others that have similar interests, people that you could potentially ‘bond’ with immediately.