Ebook Sample Content Preview:
One of the biggest bugbears of some more familiar ‘old-style’ traffic generation tactics was that if you wanted to optimize your site to enable Search Engines to find it (a process known as ‘Search Engine Optimization’ or SEO) then that meant creating content that was, quite honestly, gibberish to the human eye or mind. Blogs have moved the goalposts significantly so that is no longer necessarily the case!
Now, that is not to say that SEO is a tactic that you no longer need to consider. Indeed, with ever increasing competition in online market places, it is probably something that needs greater thought and consideration with every passing day.
But, blogs do have a great deal of intrinsic SEO advantages over traditional static website, as made very clear in this excellent article by Lee Odden entitled “SEO Benefits From Blogs”.
The great news too is that is no longer absolutely necessary to write palpable nonsense in order to attract the Goggle or Yahoo robot spiders.
Indeed, in today’s online business marketplace, it is important that you really strive to write to attract real human beings, without all of the often ridiculous keyword repetition and pedantic, wooden writing styles that you might have been forced to use at one time.
Now, the answer is to write as naturally and clearly as possible, and let the search engines sort out how to rank your content on their own.
But there are nevertheless still some small SEO tricks or tweaks that you should focus on, things that will (thankfully) be unnoticed by your visitors, so that they are no bothered or put off reading your copy by what were at one time some pretty obvious (and ridiculous) SEO tricks.
The point is that these little tweaks are super noticeable to the bots from Google, Yahoo and the like, the next time they come calling!
Post Titles: You will rank higher in the engines if your main keyword is included in the title of your post, especially if you are creative enough to make it the first word.
Tagging: Tagging is a process of ‘highlighting’ specific words in your post as being the keywords that you want the bots to take notice of. By using the ‘Ultimate Tag Warrior’ plug-in, you will be able to tag the proper keywords for your posts at the bottom of the posts.