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7. Amazon
Amazon is a huge marketplace for online product creators due to their digital bookstore known as the "Amazon Kindle Store".
The Kindle Store is the largest online bookstore at the moment, and many people believe it accounts for 80% of online ebook sales. It is hard to verify these figures as it is against Amazon's policy to publish actual sales figures and turnover.
Amazon also have the audio bookstore (known as Audible.com) where you can sell your audio books for a reasonable profit as well as your Kindle book. In fact, if you have both an audio and kindle book with the same title they will combine the two into one sales page for purchasers to see as available in audio or Kindle format.
There are many advantages and disadvantages to selling your digital products on Amazon. Some advantages are the amount of traffic Amazon now receive whereby people will see your digital products for sale when they type in your keywords to the search box. But Amazon also ranks very well for Google SERP, and you can promote an Amazon book (even your own) as an affiliate of Amazon.
The Amazon affiliate program pays relatively poor and has high minimums to achieve before you are paid. Also, the cookies placed on a buyers computer when they use your affiliate link to buy only lasts 24hours, after that, the cookies won't credit your account with the sale.
If you can get a digital product onto Amazon, consider it as part of a major sales funnel as a Lead Gen product, rather than the product that you are hoping will fund your retirement plan, because it probably won't.
8. Apple Stores
You can sell content on iTunes, the App Store, the iBookstore and the Mac App Store. To sell on iTunes you have to have a registered Apple ID, with a credit card for verification purposes.
Magazines are uploaded with APPS, and customers can subscribe to the magazine (as people can pre-pay for their subscription or it can be free (with ads inside for APP creator to profit). Magazines are sold by Apple from their "Newstand".
You can sell your eBooks on the iBookstore via "iTunes Connect". There is a "paid" book account, and a "free" book account, and the free one is quick and easy to join, whereas the "paid" one is more complicated requiring tax and bank details.
Free books do not require "ISBN"s, and ISBN's are optional with the paid books.
The iBookstore only accepts "ePub" files and "multi-touch" books. "ePub" files are easily created with the free online program Callibre, whereby you can upload any format book and it will convert it to ePub for free. To create a multi-touch book you will need to create your book with the Apple iBooks Author Program.
You cannot sell a podcast on iTunes, however, it is free to upload your podcast to the iTunes directory.
To sell APPS on Apple you have to first apply to join the iOS Developer Program or Mac Developer Program. All APPS must be accepted by Apple, whereas APPS are all welcome on the Android database.
9. Udemy
Udemy is a growing marketplace for online video course creators. Most courses consist of many small videos put together as one big course. Udemy is well known for its ease of creating and uploading video course content.
You can upload video, documents and graphics as required in order to teach your course and they are all hosted by Udemy.
Customers come into Udemy and search keywords of a course they want to learn. They then select a course from the course options, they pay the course fee, and then they can stream the course (or download the videos) any time from then on from their Udemy account. Their settings are saved in their Udemy profile account so they can come and go as much as they please. There is also a space for "chatting" to the teacher who can answer questions posted by students, which all other students can read too.
The benefit of Udemy over other video marketplaces like Mindbites is that it doesn't cost anything to list your online video course, it is free to upload and host one of your video courses. However, if someone buys your course, then Udemy will keep 20-30% of the sale price. If you drive that traffic to your course, you earn more money. Affiliates can also sell Udemy courses for a commission.
Udemy do require that your course be at least 60% video content and at least an hour of video.
10. MindBites
Mindbites is a marketplace where you can upload your video online courses and people can buy and watch on the Mindbites website (where your digital course is hosted), and you can even embed the video players right into your own website or blog.
The main difference with Mindbites from Udemy is that you have to pay to have your course online for people to buy and view (whereas Udemy is free to upload and host your courses). Mindbites has different size accounts depending on the size of your videos, the smaller your online course data, the cheaper it is to host them on Mindbites.
The "free" account with Mindbites will hold up to 250MB of data and any sales made on your account pays Mindbites 35% in commission when a sale is made. But there are larger accounts with more features, and less commission is payable to Mindbites for a higher paid plan.
The video player has a "promo" video size that people can watch which is intended to make the viewer want to purchase the full video at your pre-determined price.
Like Udemy Mindbites has an affiliate program to encourage other people to sell your video course for you.
You can also upload other documents with your video course for the buyer to receive when they buy your video. You can also put your collection of videos into a "series" to sell as a set. So a customer could just buy one video to do one task, or a collection of videos to learn a whole new skillset.