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There are so many fad diets out there, and most of them either don’t work, or are actually dangerous or unhealthy. It’s very important that you carefully evaluate any diet program before you decide to try it.
For one thing, you should never try a diet that is severely lacking in any particular nutrients. Some diets are so restrictive that they are incredibly unhealthy, so you need to be sure to avoid those.
Some diets are also so restrictive on calories that they can actually be dangerous. When you get far too few calories, it can actually damage your organs.
Even those that aren’t actually dangerous can end up hampering your weight loss efforts. Diets that are very low in fat or calories can slow your metabolism down so much that your body goes into starvation mode, and you hold onto fat more than ever. This will make it much harder to lose weight.
Any diet that is extremely restrictive, either in fat, calories, particular food groups, or scope of foods you can eat is not something you should consider, because it can harm your health and even make it harder to lose.