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How To Increase Your Energy Levels And Work More Productively Towards Your Dreams!
Find Out The Exact Steps And Scientific Methods You Can Use To Increase Your Energy Levels!
Energy Information Websites
WebMD is probably the most trusted medical site on the internet. That’s because it’s build up a reputation for giving quality advice that is backed by medical science. This is a link to a brilliant resource on increasing your energy levels.
2. ZenHabits
ZenHabits is a brilliant website that is all about improving your mental and physical wellbeing through old zen methods. Not only are many of its recommendations backed with solid science, they have also been practiced for hundreds of years.
3. Health.com
Health.com is more of a health magazine and less of a medically accurate database. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s useless by any means. In fact the link above is for a great article they produced about increasing your energy when you’re struggling to find motivation and energy.
4. Reader’s Digest
Reader’s Digest has produced a slideshow on 13+ different ways to boost your productive energy. This page includes many different tips and also productivity tools that you can use today to become more energized and work more effectively.
Tools For Energy Management
5. Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock
The Sleep Cycle Alarm Clock is a super useful app which is there to basically track your sleep schedule. As you sleep it will monitor the phases of sleep you are in and then wake you up close to your desired time, when you are in your lightest sleep phase. This will prevent you from waking up feeling tired, and is the most natural way for your body to wake up.