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Chapter 5 Get Out Of The Past
They say that moving on is never easy. Forgetting the past is not as simple as taking off your shoes to change to your slippers. However, getting out of the past becomes of great importance if you want your future to be better and not something that is being run by the things that have already happened and things that you can no longer change. In this chapter, discover the true importance of learning the art of letting go.
Let Bygones Be Bygones — Forget But Learn From The Past
Humans by nature tend to hold to an event that made them feel hurt or disappointed. Whether it just happened yesterday or 40 years ago, there are some wounds that remain deep and difficult to heal. However, life goes on and sometimes, you need to start with the healing process if you want your life to become even better, or even happier.
Grudges, anger, hurt, disappointment and other negative things that you have felt in the past shouldn’t be allowed to dwell in your present. Granted that these are important and still a part of molding you into the person that you are right now, you must not let the past to control you and the decisions that you make at present and in the future.
Since everyone is different, it is only understandable for them to have different and unique ways of handling certain situations. However, there is no point to dwelling on the “what ifs” and “could have beens.” What if I did this? It could have been like this if I did that. No matter what answers or questions you make, still, it will never make your present. Mulling the past over and over in your mind will only add to your current problems and worse, these can even bring about even more issues that you have to deal with.
When you get hurt, you can feel devastated and there are even times when your hurt can turn to anger, and anger becomes bitterness and this bitterness ignites the unwillingness to forgive. Living without forgiving can damage your emotional, physical, mental, as well as spiritual health. It is the very reason why you need to get out of your past and forgive the ones that hurt you because this is the only way for you to prevent the other aspects of your life from suffering as well.
And when you say get out of the past and forgive the persons that hurt you, you also need to remember that you also need to learn forgiving yourself at the same time. Everyone has things that they struggle with and no one in this world is perfect and free from flaws. While it is true that you have probably made a mistake in the past, still, you have to learn forgiving yourself for the part that you had in that particular situation. Nursing and holding on to your guilt will never do you any good, and will only restrict you from your chances of enjoying and living your life to the fullest.
All kinds of relationships can end in as quickly as they started, a fact that you have to accept. But even with this, you should always bear in your mind that no matter what happens, the tunnel will always have a light on its end. You can always get out of the past, forget the situation that brought devastations to your life. And for you to do that, you need to have the willingness of doing your past and choose to leave your past behind.
Chapter 6 Manage Material Objects
Do you consider your material possessions as the best things that yon have in this world? Are the objects in your life all that matters to you? If yes, then, you have to realize that you need to know the right ways of properly managing your material objects.
Life is Valuable — Don’t Waste It Chasing Possessions
You can become happier when you pursue less instead of pursuing more. For some, this might not be the case but for others, they will surely agree that this is definitely true.
But the problem is, right from the day that you were born into this world, you have been told of something different - that more material objects mean more joys. And since this is a message that you heard a lot of times coming from different angles, you actually started believing. This is the very reason why a lot of people work long hours just to earn money and buy nice things.
However, the moment that you hear the message that more joy awaits you when you pursue less compared to when you pursue more, deep in your heart, you know that this is true. Material objects do not equal joy and you know that your life is way more valuable to just waste it chasing these things.
You only get one shot at life so as much as possible, make the most out of your limited time on this earth by managing the things that you own. While there is nothing wrong to dream of having your own laptop, a smartphone, a tablet or a car, you still have to know that these material things are not your only source of happiness and fulfillment. Use them as they are meant to be used but do not go to the extent that they become the whole world to you and you end up forgetting the things and the people that matter the most in your life.
Always remember that happiness, joy and fulfillment are things that can be found in life’s invisible things: relationships, hope, peace, and love. You cannot find these things offered on sale at the department store in your area nor can you buy them in discounted prices.
If you already have a smartphone or a tablet, be contented with it and don’t overwork yourself just so you can get more. When you do so, you will only end up wanting more because at the end of the day, these material objects will never be able to satisfy the deepest desires of your heart.
As you wake up every morning, remind yourself that your life is too precious to just waste it going after material objects. If you want real joy, choose to go for “better,” not “more.”