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12. Juice vegetables that you do not normally eat. Every vegetable provides a different benefit to the body but everyone is different in terms of what vegetables they enjoy eating, and so they skip those they don’t like due to either taste, smell or texture. Juicing these allows you to obtain benefits from vegetables that you would not ordinarily consume, and since you can mask their taste with fruit, lemons, ginger and other enhancers getting these nutrients becomes much less of a burden.
13. Consider sugar content of fruits when you juice, as some have so much sugar they should be consumed in moderation or avoided altogether, especially for those who need to avoid spikes in blood sugar levels (diabetics), those with weight issues, and definitely those who are juicing for weight loss.
14. Taste as you go and adjust accordingly, just as you would during cooking.
15. Consuming juices first thing in the morning or at any time when your stomach is empty will optimize the rate at which the vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes are absorbed and used by the body. It also gives you a great energy boost to kick-start your day with the drive you need. Additionally, consuming raw fruit and vegetables provides an intensive boost of vitamins and enzymes, which are directed straight to the blood stream.
This means that your digestive system does not need to process the fruit and vegetables as they would if you were to consume them whole.
16. Juice high water vegetables, like cucumbers and broccoli. People often struggle with reaching the recommended daily intake of water. With six to eight glasses being the goal, some find it difficult to reach this intake. Many juicing combinations incorporate an element of water as the basis for the recipe, and indeed many vegetables and fruits have a high water concentration, meaning that you are extracting water during the juicing process. Juicing provides a great strategy for increasing your water intake each day to hydrate your body.
17. Make sure to juice vegetables with fruit. If you only consume fruit based juices, your intake of sugar and calories will be unnecessarily high. By integrating vegetable juicing into your daily diet, you will be able to optimize the volume of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and enzymes being absorbed by your body.
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