Ebook Sample Content Preview:
6. Why should people become fans? We've touched on this, but it's important: Give people a great reason to become your fan. Maybe it's to get discounts or updates. Maybe it's a free video, ebook, etc. Just make sure it's something that motivates immediate and swift action.
7. Add your page URL to YouTube. Do you create videos to promote your business? Then by all means add your fanpage URL link to your videos, either at the end of the video or at the beginning of the video description.
8. Post frequently. If you forget about your fanpage, your fans will forget about you. Post once or twice a day with good info, updates and questions. Don't make it all about you and your products. Instead, post about events, news, your industry and so forth.
And whenever you can, inject a little humor into the mix.
9. Ask your fans to like your content so it gets shared on their walls. You can't ask every time, but now and then is fine. When they like your post, more people will see it, which can lead to more fans –always a good thing.
10. Speaking of questions: Get your fans involved with your page by starting discussions about your products and services or industry news. What's the best way to start a discussion? Simply ask a provocative question your fans cannot ignore. If you get stuck on what to ask, use the fill in the blank kind of question, such as, “If you could have any job in the world, it would be ____.”
11. Do not become a troll victim. Now that you're starting discussions, remember to remain professional at ALL TIMES, with no exceptions. If you are perceived as quarreling with a fan, it won'tmatter if you're right –it will only matter that you lost your cool and you look like a real dope. And if things look like they may get nasty, offer the fan a private way to contact you (phone or email, for example.)