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Chapter 7: Think About What You Really Want To Accomplish
"Once you have mastered time, you will understand how true it is that most people overestimate what they can accomplish in a year - and underestimate what they can achieve in a decade!" - Anthony Robbins
Everybody has their own goals that they will want to be accomplished. These may include educational goals, health goals, and your goals on time management. Sad to say, it is just so easy to load each day different time consuming tasks, enabling you to delay working towards achieving your goals for an indefinite period. But then, by enhancing your skills on time management, you should have more than enough time to contemplate. Strategies on time management are also vital assisting you achieve the vital goals that will help in making your life even more fulfilling.
Contemplate Your Time Management Goals
Procrastination continuously affects every individual now and then, while some individuals have far more issues with procrastination as compared with others. While goals are the things you normally wish to do instead of particular requirements, procrastination could be a huge factor when it comes to upsetting your capability to achieve your goals. Basic cognitive distortions which fuel procrastination may include fear of success, fear of failure, and having the belief that you must wait till you feel in the mood for working on the job.
By being aware of the different forms of destructive thoughts, you may start to fight the effect that they employ on your time management. Once you continuously think about the things you want to achieve, you will likely increase the chances of reaching your goals. If you wish to achieve your time management goals more effectively, thinking about them more frequently is vital in the process of achieving it.
You can break your goals into simpler or smaller tasks. Significant goals may demand long term effort. On the other hand, it may be easy to feel overwhelmed because of the several tasks needed to obtain a long term goal. When your task still looks overwhelming, you may break it down even smaller. For instance, when you like to achieve proper time management, you can list down all the important ones and sort it from the small ones. It is suggested to spend at least ten minutes each day on the task that you’ve been avoiding. It is a good way to start.
Chapter 8: Practice Time Management
“You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make
it”- Charles Buxton
Achieving proper time management requires some time and effort. Practicing time management is important in order to become successful with such goals.
Best Way to Practice Time Management
The following time management practices are usually considered as the finest methods by the ones who use them as well as most suggested by professionals.
Make A “To Do” List Regularly
This is normally the leading suggestion by time management professionals, business leaders as well as other ones who are efficient at managing and using their time. Making and using a list of nice-to-do and needed tasks focuses ideas on the job so that there is nothing essential that becomes neglected. This gives a list-maker the chance to make a plan of their day. Keeping your list always ready should make it simple to complement new items because they check-off and come up completed items. Assessing the tasks that you already checked off may help motivating you in accomplishing the tasks and make the most of the great sense of achievement at the end of the day.
Note Down Your Appointments
Writing down your tasks is considered as another adage of most experts on time management, not just for your “to do” list, yet also your appointment calendar. Writing down appointments on your calendar once they are accomplished may help freeing your mind for some other imaginative things. Furthermore, it may also help in the prevention of neglecting an appointment or meeting in the future. Reviewing the calendar must be a daily practice at the start of every day in order to guarantee that you miss nothing. When checking your appointments, your decision could be created to attend, employ a substitute, or if necessary try rescheduling.
Identify Work Priorities
Another key to enhance time management is to determine the important task to do every day and the tasks that may be put off till another time. The high priority appointment or task will be relevant to a crucial project, which is something that might result to advancement. Low priority items on your to-do-list are the ones which are nice-to-do, yet are not right away needed. Medium priority will be typical team meetings or standard work tasks.
Set Alarms
Those people who find that they are usually late to meeting or neglect other forms of appointments, find that using or setting an alarm on a phone, computer or watch functions pretty well as reminder. You can at least set the alarm around ten minutes advance from the actual schedule of appointment so needed information may be collected and to enable walking to the room of the meeting. When the meeting will not be held in similar building, you can then set out the alarm further to provide time for travel. Some individuals might even have their alarm reset if they are at the meeting for ten minutes prior to the end time of the meeting to guarantee adequate time for appointment wrap up and to still be able to be out right on time.
Break-Up Huge Projects
A lot of people find themselves delaying with starting huge projects, as it looks like it is too difficult to finish or too much to deal with. In order to make even simpler to begin on a significant project, you may break it into a number of subtasks. After which, you may complement various subtasks onto your regular “to do” lists performing backwards from its due date in sequence tasks must be accomplished. In such a way, every subtask will then become a part of a scheduled work, as the project becomes accomplished on time. Some professionals refer to the simple process of project management known as the “Swiss-Cheese Method” because it includes poking the holes within bigger cheese (project) till all are completely gone (done tasks).
Using these five suggestions mentioned above, you may create your own time management system that is suitable to your individual requirements. Make sure that you keep all these considerations in mind when practicing efficient time management.